NC State University’s virtual Emerging Research Showcase


International collaboration is one driver of our global reputation. Join us as we dive into the topic: where are we now, and what can be done to enhance our already strong international ties. We will start with a panel discussion […]

GES Colloquium: Ethics and GES – Exploring the “Right Use of Power”

A Buddhist perspective on ethics and GES. Join/Register: Meeting ID: 929 5805 6161 Passcode: 449877 One tap mobile: 13126266799,,92958056161# or 14702509358,,92958056161# Dial in: 1 470 250 9358 US Meeting ID: 929 5805 6161 Passcode: 449877 Ethics and GES: Exploring the ‘Right Use of […]

County Extension 101: Connecting with Campus

Lori Davis is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.North Central Extension District's lunch and learn series: County Extension 101. The first "class" will be held on Wednesday, April 28th, at 12:00pm, and will last approximately 1 hour.  Have you ever wondered […]

Apiculture Online-Hive Chat with NC State

Monthly beekeeping webinars on YouTube from January through October. Last Wednesday of the month, 7:00 pm. Dr. Tarpy and the NC State Apiculture Program continue their online webinars with beekeepers to help fill the vacuum of opportunity to discuss issues related […]