Koten Engei Symposium

Japan has had a profound influence on Western horticulture for the past 200 years or more. Many of our most popular landscape plants—azaleas, peonies, flowering cherries, hydrangeas, and so many more—were introduced from the gardens of Japan. In addition to plants, specialized horticultural techniques such as bonsai (which was itself introduced from China as penjing) and more recently ikebana have become quite popular in the United States. But perhaps the most uniquely Japanese horticultural tradition, known as koten engei, has never gained the popularity of these other art forms.

Gardens of the World Part Two: Western European Wonders

In this six-week installment of “Gardens of the World” we will travel to some of my favorite gardens in France, Italy, Germany, and Spain. Come visit Claude Monet’s garden in Giverny France, beautiful island villa gardens of Northern Italy, some of the most stunning gardens along the Mediterranean, and so much more. As we tour these gardens, I’ll identify gardening lessons we can learn and apply in our own gardens!

Digital Photography Essentials Workshop for Canon Photographers

This beginner class is for people with a Canon digital camera who are interested in learning how to successfully use their camera beyond automatic/program modes. The class concentrates on the five essential camera settings that have the most impact on the look of a photograph: focal length, aperture, shutter speed, ISO and white balance.

Digital Photography Essentials Workshop for Nikon Photographers

This beginner class is for people with a Nikon digital camera who are interested in learning how to successfully use their camera beyond automatic/program modes. The class concentrates on the five essential camera settings that have the most impact on the look of a photograph: focal length, aperture, shutter speed, ISO and white balance. We also discuss how to interpret the image histogram, a camera feedback mechanism, and use that information to adjust and optimize image exposure for the next shot.

Midweek with Mark: Rock Gardens I Have Loved

Midweek with Mark presentations is recorded and posted to the JC Raulston Arboretum’s YouTube Channel the following Monday. Be sure to subscribe to our Channel for updates.

How to Thrive: Online Classes

Taking college classes in an online environment can be intimidating. Join us as members of Orientation Leaders discuss how they transitioned from in-person to online classes and thrived in the process. You’ll learn tips and tricks from a variety of students so you can set […]

Gardening in the South

Gardening in the South is back for new and experienced gardeners alike! Join us for a series of presentations that are guaranteed to expand your horizons. This winter’s speaker lineup includes Danesha Seth Carley, Basil Camu, and Bill Fonteno

Horticulture Internship Showcase

Kilgore Hall, Room 159 2721 Founders Drive, Raleigh, NC, United States

Event: Tuesday, February 22nc 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm Kilgore Hall, Room 159 REGISTER NOW Students: Learn from other students how impactful internships are in their lives. Meet companies hosting internships. Learn how to find an internship. Companies: Meet and […]