Chelsea Kellner
Full-Time Student. And Parent. And Extension Employee. And…
National statistics show that “non-traditional” is increasingly the norm for students across the United States – in just one example, 75 percent of graduate students also work at least 30 hours a week. Over the next few months, we’re highlighting some of our own amazing multi-taskers across CALS.
The One Who (Almost) Got Away
Eliza Hardy’s great-great-great grandfather, Perrin Busbee, was NC State’s first football coach. When it came time for college applications, CALS was Eliza’s top choice – until her application was first deferred, then wait-listed. Her path to CALS? Complicated.
What Should Elephants Eat?
Every six weeks, animal science graduate student Jordan Wood’s research requires a trip to the zoo. The project: understand how native tree species could be used to supplement the diet of the North Carolina Zoo’s African elephants.
Animal Science Partnership Nabs National Symposium
About 600 pre-veterinary students and 30 advisors from 77 colleges and universities across the United States attended the American Pre-Veterinary Medical Association Symposium, traveling from as far away as Oregon and Puerto Rico to engage in hands-on labs and lectures on current veterinary topics.
CALS Student Scientists Dance – With Research
CALS students push themselves beyond traditional science classes, and in turn, find fresh perspective and a much-needed outlet for stress relief and creative thinking.
Five Things To Know About Farm Animal Days 2017
Maybe you’re a longtime Farm Animal Days expert. Maybe you’ve already picked your date and registered online (though you don’t have to register in order to attend), and all that’s left is to decide whether you’ll try roping a cow right away, or go straight for the free Howling Cow ice cream.
Yes, We Might Have No Bananas
Rob Dunn’s newest book, “Never Out of Season,” examines the risks of a lack of biodiversity in our food supply. Dunn is a professor in the Department of Applied Ecology.
AgPack Strong: Rachel Grantham’s Advice to Students
During her time at CALS, Smithfield’s Rachel Grantham learned a lot about agricultural business management, networking – and the importance of keeping an open mind in your career.
Student Spotlight: From Hawaii to the Brickyard
Kristin Hasegawa traveled more than 4,600 miles from home to pursue her dream. Now a sophomore animal science major, she considers CALS her second home.
Student Spotlight: Ag-Adventurer Christina Harvey
Senior Christina Harvey has packed her time in CALS as full as possible. Her goal? A farm of her own.