Latest Past Events

Agronomy Club

2405 Williams Hall 101 Derieux Place, Raleigh

All students are welcome!   For more information, contact

Crop and Soil Science – Student Seminars

2215 Williams Hall Auditorium 101 Derieux Place, Raleigh

Students in SSC 601/801 are required to present a seminar during the Crop and Soil Science Seminar time. For April 17, we have three presentations: Alyssa Ricci (3:10-3:35 PM) - Making and Using Wetland Delineations in the Piedmont of North […]

Crop and Soil Sciences Seminar – Dr. Deanna Osmond

2215 Williams Hall Auditorium 101 Derieux Place, Raleigh

Dr. Deanna Osmond Professor, Crop & Soil Sciences Department North Carolina State University Working at the Interface of Science and Policy: A Career