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Faculty and Staff

Jul 28, 2023

Empowering Families and Communities Through Family Science

Transforming Lives through Family Science: Sudha Sankar's Journey from Combating Violence to Empowering Communities and Students. 

Jul 24, 2023

Virginia Stage Honored with the SNEB Nutrition Education Research Award

Assistant Professor Virginia Stage received the Nutrition Education Research Award from the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior (SNEB) for her achievements in nutrition education. 

agriculture, carrot, girl, green house, hunt microsite, raddish, red, sustainable, vegtable.

Jul 12, 2023

NC State Receives Funding to Improve Nutrition and Physical Activity

Virginia C. Stage and Basheerah Enahora, Assistant Professors and Extension Specialists with the AHS Department received $768,000 from the CDC for the first year in the five-year High Obesity Program (HOP). 

Jul 6, 2023

North Carolina FFA Convention Unites Youth in Agricultural Excellence

North Carolina FFA recently held its annual convention at the Raleigh Convention Center. 

NC State brick logo on a wall in Talley Student Union.

Jun 6, 2023

AHS Published Research for Spring 2023

Learn more about the diverse body of work that the Agricultural and Human Science faculty contributed to through publications this quarter. 

May 30, 2023

“Start Em Young!”: Dr. Virginia Stage’s Mission for Healthy Eating

Meet Virginia Stage, an assistant professor and nutrition education and behavior specialist in our department. Learn about her passion for nutrition and healthy eating in early childhood. 

May 22, 2023

Grant Paves Pathways to Indigenous Student Success

A grant is helping two CALS faculty members explore ways to better support tribal students and their overall success in higher education. 

May 19, 2023

Donaldson Receives Distinguished Extension Educator for AAAE

Joseph Donaldson was named Distinguished Agricultural Extension Educator at the annual AAAE conference. 

Apr 26, 2023

Gonzalez Receives Chancellor’s Creating Community Award

Dr. Maru Gonzalez was recently awarded the Outstanding Faculty Award for the Chancellor's Creating Community Award for her commitment to the advancement of diversity and inclusion at NC State. 

NC State Sculpture. grad-wolves.

Apr 24, 2023

Jackie Bruce Selected as CALS Faculty Fellow

CALS Administration is pleased to announce the 2023 Administrative Faculty Fellows.