Jul 21, 2022
From his passion for water to his interest in history, Bill Hunt's career has been filled with full-circle moments.
Jul 20, 2022
Muscadine grapes are one of the new “it” superfoods. The Farms, Food and You podcast talks with Mark Hoffmann, a small fruits specialist with NC State Extension, about the muscadine industry in North Carolina.
Jul 18, 2022
As the platform director for Extension Outreach and Engagement, Rachel Vann will facilitate communication between N.C. PSI research teams and NC farmers.
Jul 7, 2022
It may be a bit soon to brand this giant spider as the Big Friendly Joro (BFJ), but it’s certainly not a menacing threat.
Jun 24, 2022
Occasionally frightening, always fascinating, most spiders are of the friendly neighborhood variety. Take a closer look and discover one of nature's most unique and beneficial animals.
Jun 21, 2022
The past, present and future of North Carolina's blueberry crop.
Jun 16, 2022
Hundreds of pounds of blueberries gleaned from the Horticultural Research Center in Castle Hayne are donated to a local food bank.
Jun 10, 2022
Once considered a nostalgic ballpark snack, peanuts are an affordable plant-based protein that is surprisingly healthful, delightfully shelf-stable and locally grown in North Carolina.
Jun 9, 2022
June is National Dairy Month! To celebrate, discover how NC State is moo-ving the dairy industry forward.
Jun 8, 2022
Vasu Kuraparthy, a professor in the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, is a leading expert in using genetics to increase cotton productivity.