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Author: D'Lyn Ford

Rodolphe Barrangou in the lab

May 2, 2021

What’s the Big Deal About CRISPR?

If you’ve had a bite of cheese, yogurt or another commercially produced dairy product, you’ve eaten a CRISPR-enhanced food. From better dairy foods to more resilient crops to new treatments for genetic diseases, this Nobel-winning technology holds promise. 

Extension 4-H agent Catherine Shelley holds a chick for students Naquez Cole and Landon Davis

Apr 26, 2021

Learning About Creatures Great and Small Through 4-H 

Kids can’t wait to learn more about animals through 4-H. Here are some new ideas we’ve hatched during the pandemic. 

Members of the Debnam family at the seed library

Apr 19, 2021

Master Gardener Volunteers Tend to the Community

Pandemic limitations were no match for the fertile imaginations of Master Gardener volunteers, who delivered fresh food to seniors, built a seed library and found new ways to help the hungry. 

Mar 29, 2021

Lending a Hand With the Pfizer Vaccine

CALS alumnus David Huffman volunteered for a hands-on team at Pfizer and ended up in an ABC vaccine special. Here's how his bioprocessing degree paved the way. 

Mar 10, 2021

Beloved Dairy Researcher Klaenhammer Dies

Probiotics pioneer Todd R. Klaenhammer, an NC State faculty member for 40 years and the first food scientist to be elected to the National Academy of Sciences, died March 6. 

Three female nurses standing next to a freezer.

Mar 1, 2021

COVID Cooperation: Finding Freezer Space for Vaccines

What do coronavirus vaccines and wildlife tissue samples have in common? The need for ultracold storage to preserve genetic material. 

Ross Sozzani headshot

Feb 8, 2021

PSI Profile: Ross Sozzani, Platform Director for Plant Improvement

The plant improvement platform director for the North Carolina Plant Sciences Initiative shares her vision: collaboration, innovative crop technologies and students ready for the workforce. 

A group photo of nine individuals, African and Caucasian in front of a store front in Kenya.

Jan 25, 2021

Small Business Administration Honors NC State Spinoff SinnovaTek

A growing Raleigh-based company is helping children in sub-Saharan Africa, where vitamin A deficiency is widespread. 

Dec 28, 2020

Faculty Focus: Award-winning Advisor Chad Jordan

As one former student wrote, “Whether he was writing recommendation letters, encouraging me to apply for awards, or giving me advice for the future, the role Dr. Jordan played in shaping my career is immeasurable." 

Dec 21, 2020

Vision and Value: The Scoop on Gary Cartwright’s Dairy Career

Curious about how NC State’s Howling Cow ice cream got its start? Here's the origin story from an alum and longtime dairy innovator.