Iowa State Capitol building with World Food Prize banners in Des Moines, Iowa

USDA Fellows


The USDA-FAS Borlaug Fellowship Program provides research opportunities for mid-career scientists from middle and low-income countries to advance food security and economic growth.

The USDA-FAS Scientific Exchanges Program promotes trade, trade policy, trade capacity building, and food security. The program aims to educate a new generation of agricultural scientists, increase scientific knowledge and collaborative research, and extend knowledge to users and intermediaries in the international agricultural marketplace.

With both programs, Fellows spend 3 months at NC State to conduct research with a faculty mentor and will often travel either to a professional conference or the World Food Prize Borlaug Dialogue in Des Moines, Iowa.  The faculty mentors later conduct a reciprocal visit to the fellow’s institution to maintain the research collaboration.


FALL 2024

Haryati Mansor, Deputy Director of Soil Science, Water & Fertilizer Research Centre, MARDI – Borlaug Fellow

Haryati Mansor has over 15 years of experience in organic agriculture and fertilizer technology at the Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI). She holds a Master’s degree in Organic Agriculture from Wageningen University, Netherlands and has been a registered chemist with the Malaysian Institute of Chemistry since 2007. She is also a registered technologist under the Malaysian Board of Technologists, specializing in Green Technology. She began her career at the Malaysian Department of Agriculture, where she led the Analytical Services Section, overseeing multiple laboratories. Now, as the Deputy Director of the Organic Farming Program under MARDI’s Soil Science, Water & Fertilizer Research Centre, Haryati focuses on advancing sustainable agriculture through innovative organic and organo-mineral fertilizers. As a 2024 Borlaug Fellow, she is working under the mentorship of Dr. Tika Adhikari, developing organo-mineral fertilizers to enhance nutrient efficiency and control soil-borne diseases like Verticillium wilt in tomatoes. Beyond her professional work, Haryati loves horse riding and cycling, hobbies that keep her grounded and connected to nature. She is also deeply interested in meeting new people and building networks, to foster future collaborations that bridge her home institution, MARDI, with NCSU and other partners in the USA. During her time at NCSU, she looks forward to learning from the university’s experts and creating new opportunities for knowledge exchange and research partnerships.

Dr. Yeetoh Dabbhadatta, Researcher, National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA)/ National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC), Thailand- Borlaug Fellow

Dr. Dabbhadatta received her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Kasetsart University in Thailand in Agronomy and Plant Breeding, respectively. In 2014 she earned a Ph.D. in Cell Molecular Biology from University of Missouri, St.Louis. Her research experience and expertise are to develop platform technology for the integration of biotechnology, especially somatic embryogenesis system and genetic transformation technologies, in plant breeding programs such as genome editing and double haploid technology. Furthermore, she also works on the highly efficient micropropagation in economic crops such as oil palm, date palm, cassava, ornamental plants and medicinal plants via tissue culture and bioreactor. The screening and breeding for elite varieties of economics crops are also areas of research at BIOTEC.
As a 2024 Borlaug Fellow, Dr. Dabbhadatta will acquire knowledge on the approach for plant breeding with the gene editing system which can be used for improving the economic traits of target plants.  Currently, her organization is initiating the plant gene editing technology using CRISPR/Cas9 and still need to improve the efficiency of genetic transformation system. Therefore, she will receive training on various methods for genetic transformation under the mentorship of Dr. Kedong Da, Director of Plant tissue culture and transformation facility, horticulture department at NCSU. The effective somatic embryogenesis system and genetic transformation will gain the efficiency of the generating the edited lines of target plants. These knowledge can be used for improving her capacity to get success for establishing the platform technology of plant gene editing and sustain the venue for the collaborative research project between the organization networks for Thailand in near future.


Dr. Vanesa Castro Alba, Researcher,  Centro de Alimentos y Productos Naturales, Universidad Mayor de San Simón, Bolivia – SEP Fellow

Vanesa earned a B.S. in Chemical Engineering and a M.Sc. in Phytochemistry from Universidad Mayor de San Simón (Bolivia), and a Ph.D. in Food Technology and Nutrition at Lund University (Sweden). Currently, Vanesa is working with Amazonian fruits characterizing their nutritional and functional properties and applying processing techniques to improve their conservation and transportation. Her project goal is to improve food processing conditions to obtain hygiene products and with improved nutrient bioavailability. During her fellowship at NC State University, Vanesa is working with her mentor, Dr. Mary Ann Lila of the Plant for Human Health Institute, characterizing bioactive compounds such as polyphenols and anthocyanin as well as antioxidant properties of Amazonian fruits harvested in Bolivia.

Dr. María Janeth Rodríguez Roque, Professor & Researcher, Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua, Mexico. Head of the Postharvest and Agri-food Technology Group, Mexico – SEP Fellow

Dr. Rodríguez-Roque received her Ph.D. in Agricultural and Food Science and Technology (Hons) and her Master degree in Agri-Food Production Systems both at the Universitat de Lleida, Spain. She obtained a Bachelor in Pharmacobiological Chemistry (Hons) at the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Mexico.
She leads the Postharvest and Agri-food Technology Group (UACH-CA145) in the Faculty of Agrotechnological Science, conducting research in sustainable practices during crop postharvest such as the food waste management and by-products valorization, food processing and preservation (pulsed electric fields, high hydrostatic pressure, ultrasound processing, microencapsulation, development of edible films and coatings), new phytochemical sources, bioaccessibility and bioavailability of bioactive compounds, design of functional foods & beverages. Besides, she is part of the National Researchers Council from CONAHCYT-Mexico (level 2) and she has been a mentor in Mentoring in Action Woman and Girls in STEM Programme from the British Council, Inova Consultancy and European Association for Women in Science, Engineering & Technology (WiTEC). She is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Ultrasonics Sonochemistry and reviewer from different international journals and projects.
As a 2024 USDA Scientific Exchange Program Fellow, under the mentorship of Dr. Deepti Salvi in the Department of Food, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences at North Carolina State University, Dr. Rodriguez Roque is working in a project focused in valorize grape pomace through the green extraction of biomolecules with antioxidant, functional and nutraceutical properties. She values this experience as an opportunity to learn and work with renowned scientists in this field, looking forward to networking and scientific collaborations between Mexico and the USA.

Astrid Judith Racancoj Coyoy, Associate Researcher at the Crop Protection Program at the Institute of Science and Technology in Agriculture (ICTA), Guatemala – SEP Fellow

Astrid received her bachelor´s from the Zamorano Pan-American Agriculture School in 2013. She holds her Master’s Degree in Agronomy in 2018 from the University of Puerto Rico in Mayaguez; in 2019 she completed her Master’s Degree in Science and Technology in water resources, at the University of San Carlos Guatemala, Guatemala. Since 2020 she has joined at Crop Protection team, she has focused her research on the study of the different elements that make up the epidemiological systems of the main crops of importance to the country (corn and beans). She also works with other pests of horticultural crops, including potatoes, and strawberries. Her  investigation updates the information on the different pathogens in Guatemala according to the region of the crops and updates the technical recommendations for the management of the main pests.
Beyond her research, she is also active in triathlon, being part of the Chimaltenango, Guatemala triathlon federation; after completing the work day, she begins the training day (swimming, cycling or running).
During her stay in the exchange program, under the mentorship of Dr. Lorena López, at the Entomology and Plan Pathology Department; Astrid will focus her research on the analysis of the complex of the thrips species complex in greenhouse strawberry production. Also, she will evaluate the effect of pesticides on predatory mites.
As a 2024 USA Fellow, Astrid looks to strengthen her knowledge and to know different evaluation techniques for the
development of appropriate pest management programs with which she works in Guatemala.

Nyasha Antrobus-Cyrus, Fisheries Officer-Extension Educator in the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, Rural Transformation Industry and Labour, Environmentalist and Climate Change Specialist, St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) – SEP Fellow

Mrs Nyasha Antrobus-Cyrus received her Bachelor of Science (Hons) at the University of London in Geography and Environment. Mrs. Antrobus-Cyrus also holds a Master of Science in Risk, Crisis and Disaster Management from the University of Leicester and a Master of Arts in Research in Islands and Small States Studies with specialisation in Climate Change from the University of Malta. She is the 2018-2019 Government of Malta Climate Action Scholar.
At the Fisheries Services in SVG, Mrs Antrobus-Cyrus is an extension educator where she serves as a Fisheries Officer supervising the education unit for the past 10 years. Mrs Antrobus-Cyrus has also written and implemented projects to improve the lives and livelihoods of fishers in the fisheries sector funded by the World Bank, European Commission and Global Affairs Canada.
SVG is a Small Island Developing state (SIDs) in the Caribbean that is highly susceptible to natural disasters and the vagaries of climate change and in her capacity as an extension educator, she has also worked alongside farmers, fishers and other agricultural stakeholders and developed a comprehensive disaster management plan for the sector and given lectures on how to reduce vulnerabilities and increase resilience.
Additionally, Mrs. Antrobus-Cyrus is actively involved in conducting climate change impact assessments and planning, and coastal assessments and monitoring of terrestrial and marine resources for the fisheries sector. Recently she implemented drone technology into her work as she is now a certified drone pilot and analyst conducting drone mapping for environmental monitoring and disaster risk reduction, trained by FAO.
Moreover, her industrious and innovative nature also extends beyond her service to the government. Nyasha is a co-owner of Luvit Designs, a decorative business that utilises recycled materials. Nyasha is also the manager of Environmental Solutions, a consultancy business specialising in conducting environmental impact assessments and project writing for grassroot organisations.
As a 2024 USDA SEP Fellow working under the mentorship of Dr. Dara Bloom, Nyasha hopes to gain further scientific knowledge and technical experience on how to achieve sustainable food systems that are gender responsive in the face of climate change. A strong advocate for women rights and inclusion, Mrs Antrobus-Cyrus intends to incorporate this training into her work to challenge the status quo, level the playing field and influence decision making and policy in SVG.


Verónica Mariles-Flores, M. SC,  Watershed Management Researcher, Central Oaxaca Research Station, National Institute for Forestry, Agriculture and Livestock Research – INIFAP, Mexico – SEP Fellow

M.Sc Verónica Mariles received her B. S. in Territorial Planning from the Mexico State University and her M. Sc. in Soil Science from Postgraduate College, Texcoco, Mexico State. MSc Veronica Flores research activities include evaluation of agave producing soils, land cover estimation with remote sensing and GIS, Soil nutrition recommendations for Coffee plantations and watershed physical and hydrological characterization with GIS.  As a 2024 Scientific Exchange Program Fellow, M.Sc Verónica Mariles is working with Dr. Daniela Jones in the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering.

FALL 2023

Dr. Brenda Román Ponce,  Research-Professor, Universidad Politécnica del Estado de Morelos, México – SEP Fellow

Brenda Román was born in Veracruz, México. She is a Ph.D. in Microbiology and has carried out research in diversity and functional characterization of plant-associated bacteria with potential biotechnological application in agriculture and bioremediation. Also, she has worked with bacterial taxonomy using a polyphasic approach. In 2019, after a postdoctoral position at the Salamanca University in Spain, she started to work at the Universidad Politécnica del Estado de Morelos (UPEMOR), where she has focused her research projects towards plant-bacteria interactions with emphasis in biocontrol and plant growth promotion of endophytes and rhizosphere bacteria associated with crops as tomato, corn and avocado. In addition, Brenda has participated in the organizing committee of international conferences and other institutional science diffusion events. Currently, she is a member of the Mexican network of extremophiles, part of the Mexican Antarctic Science Committee and president of the Mexican Society of Microbial Taxonomy. In NCSU my mentor is Dr. Oliver Baars, with him I am working with siderophore-producing endophytic bacteria in order to evaluate their antagonistic activity against Ralstonia solanacearum and Verticillium microorganism causing diseases in agricultural crops.

Dr. Elías Hugo Huanuqueño Coca, Lecturer and Sustainable Plant Breeder, Department of Phytotechnics, National Agrarian University La Molina – UNALM, Lima, Perú– SEP Fellow

Elías obtained his degree in Agronomist from the National Agrarian University of La Selva (UNAS), and earned his M.Sc in Plant Breeding and his PhD in Sustainable Agriculture at the National Agrarian University La Molina, where he is a professor since 2011. He is a leader of the Maize Research and Social Projection Program since 2021, and he is a collaborator of the Research and Social Projection Program in Grain Legumes and Oilseed. His research in Perú focuses on sustainable plant breeding in which he is developing new varieties of hard yellow corn, purple corn, and purple popcorn in intercropping and in rotation with new lines of “Ñuña” beans, which is the “popcorn” version of beans. To achieve this goal, he works with native germplasm, basically. He is conscious that the conventional breeding can be more efficient if he incorporates new molecular tools, that is why he is working by his mentor Dr. Rubén Rellán, at North Carolina State University to apply the GWAS technique in the process of Ñuña bean breeding, and later, in corn and other components of the sustainable agroecosystems.

Dr. Ricardo Borjas Ventura, Professor, National Agrarian University La Molina, Perú – SEP Fellow

I was born in Ica which is located in the South of Perú. After finishing school, I enrolled at National Agrarian University La Molina in Lima to study agronomy. I carried out research in organic agriculture in coffee in order to get my degree as an agronomist. I had the opportunity to study in Spain to get my master’s degree. I got my doctor degree in Brazil (Statal University of Sao Paulo). I have been working at National Agrarian University La Molina from 2013. My researches are focused on the ecophysiology and agronomy of tropical crops. My mentor in NCSU is Dr. Ricardo Hernandez with whom I work to determine the effect of salt stress on the initial growth and physiology of grafted tomato. This experiment is very important because, on the one hand, it allows me to test new genetic material that can be useful in Peruvian conditions, and, on the other hand, it allows me to know new protocols and methods to evaluate the plant stress.

Dr. Yeirme Yaneth Jaimes Suárez, Associate PhD Researcher, Research Center La Suiza of the Colombian Agricultural Research Corporation (AGROSAVIA), Colombia – SEP Fellow

Dr. Yeirme Yaneth Jaimes Suárez Yeirme is a Phytopathologist at the Research Center La Suiza of the Colombian Agricultural Research Corporation (AGROSAVIA). She obtained her B.Sc in Microbiology at the University of Pamplona (Colombia), M.Sc in Applied Biology at the Military University of New Granada (Colombia), and Ph.D. In Agronomy – Plant Pathology at the São Paulo State University (Brasil). Her academic background is in Plant Pathology, and she currently works on population biology of cacao pathogens to develop pest management recommendations and schemes. During her stay at Center of Integrated Pest Management (CIPM), she wants to gain knowledge on developing forecast models for newly emerging pests of cacao.

Olga Teresa Barreto Cruz, Full Time Professor, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Colombia – SEP Fellow

Olga Teresa Barreto Cruz is a Colombian researcher and full-time professor at the Cooperative University of Colombia in Ibague. She is affiliated with the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, specifically in the Department of Animal Production. Her research primarily focuses on ruminant nutrition and rural extension, with a specific interest in investigating the effects of secondary metabolites from tropical plants on ruminal fermentation.

Additionally, at NC State, her research with mentor Dr. Vivek Fellner primarily concentrates on conducting in vitro studies to gain a deeper understanding of the effects of natural feed additives on ruminal fermentation. This research contributes to the development of sustainable and effective approaches for controlling ruminal fermentation in livestock systems.

Darwin Hernando Martinez B., Manager of Cocoa Research and Innovation Network, AGROSAVIA, Colombia  – SEP Fellow

Darwin promotes the articulation of the National Cocoa Research and Innovation Network in Colombia, its members and projects, with the different actors of the National Agroindustry Science and Technology System SNCTA and its subsystems, through the identification and promotion of research, development and alliances. As part of the Research and Innovation Network, Darwin contributes to the implementation of the Strategic Framework of the Cocoa Network in Colombia and its alignment with the Corporate Dynamic Agenda, promoting knowledge management in the Network and the integration of research and linkage processes oriented to change technical. At NC State University Darwin is receiving specialized training in tools associated with the molecular characterization and pathogenicity of vascular diseases of Theobroma cacao with mentor Dr. Trino Ascencio-Ibáñez.

Vanessa Catalina Díaz Poveda, Research Assistant, Cenifcafé, Colombia – SEP Fellow

Vanessa Díaz is a Colombian Researcher with ten years of experience working in the agronomic coffee field at The National Coffee Research Center (Cenicafé). Vanessa specializes in analytical chemistry and environmental engineering and is responsible for developing research projects on soil fertility, plant nutrition, and soil conservation to deliver solutions for coffee growers. She also manages the operations of The Soil Laboratory, where samples of water, plant tissues, fertilizers, amendments, and soil are analyzed. Vanessa is interested in climate change and environmental sustainability applied to the agronomic field, where she expects to make a difference in coffee crop practices and change stakeholders’ mindsets to build a more balanced ecosystem.
The aim of her participation in this Scientific Exchange Program at NC State with mentor Dr. Alex Woodley is to learn how to measure greenhouse gas emissions from the application of nitrogen fertilizers and limes and develop mitigation and adaptation strategies in order to apply all this knowledge in the coffee crop. The goal is to enhance the use efficiency of fertilizers and limes and give practical recommendations for Colombian soil and crop conditions.

Dr. Henry Eduardo Vacacela Ajila, Researcher, National Institute of Agricultural Research INIAP, Ecuador – SEP Fellow

Henry Eduardo Vacacela Ajila Agricultural Engineer – National University of Loja – Ecuador. Magister and Doctor Scientiae in Entomology – Federal University of Viçosa – Brazil. Qualified as Research Associate 2 by the Secretary of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation SENESCYT. He has professional experience in agronomy, with emphasis in Entomology/Agricultural Acarology, in the following areas: conventional and organic crop production, bioinputs elaboration, biological pest control, agricultural acarology, ecology, integrated pest management, toxicology. He has worked in government institutions such as: Ministry of Agriculture MAG, Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition MAATE, Agency of Regulation and Phytosanitary and Zoosanitary Control AGROCALIDAD. He acted as a professor at the Technical University of Cotopaxi UTC, and has participated as a speaker in national and international academic events. He has published scientific papers in specialized journals and is a reviewer in international journals such as: Biological Control, Industrial Crops and Products, Neotropical Entomology. He is currently a researcher at the National Institute of Agricultural Research INIAP – Ecuador, working on searching new natural enemies to control key pests such as phytophagous mites and fruit flies. In the current year, he was selected to participate in the “2022 Scientific Exchanges Program Fellowship Program (SEP Fellowship) Climate” at North Carolina State University NCSU. He will be working with mentors Godshen Pallipparambil, Yu Takeuchi, and Lauren Quevillon at the Center for Integrated Pest Management (CIPM). During his stay at CIPM, he will study about how climate change may affect the emergence of new pests and how some pests may disperse to new areas.

David Hidalgo Mata, Agricultural Researcher, National Institute of Agricultural Research (INIAP) Santo Domingo, Ecuador – SEP Fellow

David’s research focuses on the control of ticks (Rhipicephalus microplus) using Beauveria bassiana in cattle, the breeding of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) for production of balanced feed for livestock and the control of Rynchophorus palmarum using entomopathogenic nematodes in oil palm. Additionally, he works on the production of Sitotroga cerealella for breeding predatory and parasitoid insects. Development of biological control technologies for substitution of agrochemicals in crops. While at NC State, David will be working with mentor Dr. R. Michael Roe on the evaluation of the biomineral acaricides Imegart (expanded perlite) and Celite (diatomaceous earth) and mode of action for the control of Asian Long Horn tick, Haemaphysalis longicornis. Additionally, he will be investigating skills related to lines of research to improve the protocols to be used in Ecuador.


Dr. Ekin Demiray, Research Assistant, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey – Borlaug Fellow

Dr. Demiray graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Biology from Ankara University in 2009 and attained a Ph.D. in 2020 under the direction of Dr. Sevgi Ertuğrul Karatay. He worked as a post-doctoral fellow at IMDEA Energy Institute/Madrid/Spain with Dr. Elia Tomas Pejo for 12 months. Dr. Demiray is also serving as the research topic coordinator of Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology Journal. His general area of research interest is microbiology, biotechnology and renewable biofuels, particularly the usage of lignocellulosic biomass for bioethanol production (pretreatment, saccharification or hydrolysis and fermentation) and evaluation of microbial lipids for biodiesel production. He is currently focusing on interactions between lignocellulose and novel polymers to increase the enzymatic hydrolysis efficiency and co-generation of lactic acid/bioethanol from various yeast and lactic acid bacteria. The goal of his research in the Borlaug Program is to get CRISPR-Cas12a edited wheat lines which have altered phenylalanine ammonia-lyase gene promotors expressions by Homology Directed Repair (HDR). Hence, he is planning to obtain more economical and effective biofuel production.


Dr. Amadou Oury DIALLO, Researcher at ISRA/CERAAS and Technical Adviser of the Minister of Agriculture, Senegal – SEP Fellow

Dr. Diallo obtained respectively in 2003, 2006 and 2012, a B.Sc. in biochemistry, a M.Sc. in biology and a Ph.D. in biochemistry from the University of Quebec at Montreal, Canada. Then, did a postdoctoral internship (2012 – 2014) at McGill University, Montreal, Canada. During his studies,  he acquired expertise in Poaceae responses under biotic and abiotic constrains and their impacts on the quality of seed and fodder productions. Since June 2015,  he was hired as a researcher by the Institut Sénégalais de Recherches Agricoles (ISRA) and assigned to the Centre d’Étude Régional pour l’Amélioration de l’Adaptation à la Sécheresse (CERAAS) in Thiès, Sénégal. In CERAAS, he supervises and executes research projects activities and coordinates the implementation of the biochemistry laboratory.  His research activities contribute to improve the understanding to the adaptation mechanisms of dry cereals (pearl millet, sorghum and fonio) and associated crops (groundnuts, cowpea and sesame), under biotic and abiotic constrains, and their impacts on the quality of the production. As part of the SEP, Dr. Diallo works with CIPM mentors to improve risk assessments on sanitary and phytosanitary pests and to raise awareness among stakeholders about the importance of certified seeds.


Dr. Johnson Ayodeji Olupona, Chief Lecturer, Federal College of Animal Health and Production Technology Ibadan, Nigeria- SEP Fellow

Dr Johnson Ayodeji Olupona is an Animal Scientist with interest in the optimal and sustainable use of natural resources for biodiversity conservation, and this involves identification and value addition to some of the underutilised resources in order to improve public health and food safety. Presently, he is in North Carolina State University, Department of Food Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences collaborating with his mentor Dr. Fernanda Santos to develop alternative techniques to control food borne pathogens. During this period, he participated in many symposium and training in the area of food safety and data science. He obtained Bachelor of Agriculture, Master of Science and Ph.D in Animal Production from University of Ilorin, Nigeria and also attended international courses in Feed and Dairy production in the Netherlands. He has served as principal Investigator and facilitator in World Bank Assisted projects.

Dr. Oluwatoyin Funmilayo Isalar, Lecturer and Plant Pathologist, Department of Biological Sciences, Edwin Clark University, Kiagbodo, Nigeria – SEP Fellow

Oluwatoyin Funmilayo Isalar earned her PhD in Mycology and Plant Pathology at the University of Benin, Nigeria. She obtained her B.Sc in Plant Biotechnology and M.Sc  in Mycology and Plant Pathology (Distinction) both from the University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria. She has worked on the morphological and biochemical characterization of Macrophomina phaseolina from Arachis hypogaea L. seeds and effects of fungus on seed germinability during her Doctoral studies. She is currently an awardee of the United State Department of Agriculture Scientific Exchange Programme fellow in United States of America on a research visit to Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology at North Carolina State University, Raleigh where she is working with faculty mentor, Dr. Shuijin Hu, on mycorrhizal fungi which are beneficial fungi in soil and plant roots and the effect of these fungi on plant growth, carbon, nitrogen cycle and soil greenhouse gas emission. She has published 9 research papers and a chapter in a book in reputed journals. She is currently working as a lecturer at Edwin Clark University, Nigeria.

Dr Idongesit Umanah Mokwunye , IPM Expert, Chemical Ecologist, Entomology section, Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria – SEP Fellow

Idongesit is an Entomologist at the Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria.  She is the Head of the Crop Protection Division of the institute.  She obtained a PhD in Entomology from the Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta, Nigeria.  Dr. Idongesit  holds a BSc in Zoology and an MSc in Entomology from the University of Lagos and University of Ibadan respectively. Her research interests include integrated pest management, chemical ecology, extension entomology and economic entomology. She has worked on the population dynamics of the stem girdler as it correlates with weather parameters, damage potential, semiochemical interactions and chemical control of insect pests. She serves as resource person engaging stakeholders in outreach and training programs on good agricultural practices. Future research focus will be centered on developing pest forecast system for early detection, warning and management with the Center of Integrated Pest Management. Dr Idongesit is passionate about mentoring and volunteering.

Dr. Mavis Agyeiwaa Acheampong, Lecturer and Entomopathologist, Department of Crop Science, University of Ghana – Scientific Exchanges Fellow

Mavis received her BSc. in Agriculture (Crop Science) and MPhil. in Crop Science (Plant Pathology) from University of Ghana and a Ph.D. in Entomology (Entomopathology) from Rhodes University, South Africa.  Mavis is currently collaborating with her mentor, Dr. Aram Mikaelyan at NC State, to investigate chitin-based formulations of EPF, as control agents for wood-destroying, and other structural urban pests in USA. She periodically organises training workshops for farmers on diagnostics and management of insect pests and diseases of crops, and is a regular reviewer for Fungal Biology and Review Editor for Frontiers in Fungal Biology.

FALL 2022

Dr. Pablo Delgado-Sánchez, Research Professor, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, Mexico – Borlaug Fellow

Dr. Pablo Delgado-Sánchez is a Titular Full-Time Research Professor since 2012.  He is the Coordinator of the Ph.D. program in Agricultural Sciences and Head of the Biotechnology Group in the Faculty of Agronomy and Veterinary at the Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí (México). Dr. Pablo Delgado-Sánchez has a Ph.D. in Applied Sciences in the Institute for Scientific and Technological Research of San Luis Potosi-IPICYT (México). He received the award AGROBIO 2012 Mexico for the best doctoral thesis in agricultural biotechnology research. He obtained a MSc. in Molecular Biology also from the Institute for Scientific and Technological Research of San Luis Potosí-IPICYT (México). He earned a B.Sc. in Agricultural Chemistry at the Faculty of Chemical Sciences at the Universidad Veracruzana (México). Dr. Delgado’s research focus is on plant molecular physiology under abiotic stress conditions such as drought, salinity, sun solar radiation, and the use of beneficial microorganisms for increased tolerance to abiotic stress and plant growth promotion.

Besides, he is a member of the National Researchers System of the National Council of Science and Technology-CONACYT (México).  In 2022, he was selected for the Borlaug Fellowship Program by USDA, for a stay at North Carolina State University at the group of Dr. Oliver Baars, professor in the Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology. The project focuses on applying blue-red and/or visible LED lights on tomato and mustard plants to increase the synthesis of antioxidant compounds (carotenoids, flavonoids, and phenolic acids) under heavy metals treatments and uptake of micronutrients metal.  Our hypothesis is that a shift to blue light and low iron conditions is connected to increases in the uptake of heavy metals from contaminated soils. We will have physiological and metabolic data to address the hypothesis and make a strategy for implementation. The research is a basis for novel solutions to reduce heavy metal contamination of greenhouse-grown plants or increase the effectiveness of phytoremediation of heavy metal-contaminated soils.

Dr. Adriana Sánchez Espíndola, Professor and Researcher, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP), Mexico – Borlaug Fellow

Dr. Sanchez is currently responsible for the microbiology laboratory of the Tecamachalco campus, main lines of research: a) analytical evaluations of pesticides and other chemical compounds in water, soil, and food and b) detection of pathogenic organisms in water, soil, and food. As a teacher, she participates in teaching the subjects: of general microbiology, food microbiology, food biochemistry, food microbiology, and physicochemical analysis of food, soil, and water. As a mentor, she works with students who develop agroecological proposals (elaboration of biopesticides) and rescue ancestral foods. She currently participates as a member of the Produce Safety Alliance (PSA) team giving training to farmers in Mexico. At NCSU, Dr. Sanchez works with her mentor, Dr. Katie Jennings in the detection and quantification of pesticides in addition to obtaining training in other areas related to food safety.

Sofiane Abdelhamid, Researcher, Olive Institute, Tunisia – Borlaug Fellow

The central focus of Sofiane Abdelhamid at the Olive Institute in Tunisia is to study the genetic diversity of cultivated olive (Olea europaea L.) by using morphological traits and molecular markers such as RAPD, ISSR, SSR and SNP. My long-term goal of my research is to improve the sustainability of the olive oil sector in Tunisia and to enhance the diversity of olive varieties to develop resilient cultivars in response to climate change. With my mentor Dr. Hamid Ashrafi, I have the possibility to generate genomic resources for olive breeding contributes to understand the genetic relationships among different cultivars of olive (both cultivated and wild), to study specific genes that can confer resilience and higher yield and to accelerate breeding program through comparative genomics with high agronomic traits. I have been involved in the planning of projects which allowed the development of olive oil value chain projects in Tunisia. I have the expert diploma in the organoleptic assessment of Extra Virgin Olive Oil. I have produced many scientific papers and reports as part of my academic and professional activities. I supervise several students diploma and training.

Assel Yessimseitova, Research Scientist, National Center for Biotechnology, Kazakhstan – Borlaug Fellow

Assel is highly skilled in various methods of plant biotechnology, microbiology, and plant molecular biology. She has extensive experience in microclonal propagation o f woody plants. She is interested in developing new disease resistant and stress tolerant varieties and identifying plant germplasms using molecular markers.

Assel arrived at North Carolina State University in the summer of 2022 to work at Mountain Horticultural Crops Research and Extension Center (MHCREC) under the supervision of Dr. Dilip Panthee. The main object of the fellowship was to identify new genes related to tomato disease resistance. During this fellowship, Assel collected and analyzed the phenotypic data of fruit quality and a few other horticultural traits, identified molecular markers associated with tomato diseases such as late blight and tomato spotted wilt virus resistance, interpreted the disease screening results, and learned QTL mapping using R/qtl2 and QTL Cartographer. Also, she attended the American Society for Horticultural Science Conference in Chicago, Illinois and participated in Tomato Field Day at MHCREC.

Prof. Dr. Kemal Melih TASKIN, Head of the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Canakkale 18 Mart University, Canakkale, Turkiye – Borlaug Fellow

Dr. Kemal Melih TASKIN working on plant reproduction-development and biosynthetic pathways. He earned his BSc in Biology from Hacettepe University, Ankara. He studied on in vitro regeneration and transformation of sesame in his MSc thesis (Akdeniz University). He took his PhD lectures in Akdeniz University and completed his laboratory studies in the University of Bath (UK) through Chevening Scholarship program. Dr. TASKIN is working with natural apomicts plant species. Apomixis, an asexual mode of reproduction, results in embryo formation without fertilization of the egg. He investigated the morphogenic potential of various tissues to establish an efficient regeneration and genetic transformation system in natural apomicts. He is also interested in the effects of epigenetic modulators on the apomictic seed development. He is now collaborating with Dr. Vladimir Brukhin (St. Petersburg State University, Russia) to study the genetic and molecular mechanisms that control apomixis. Dr. TASKIN recently also working with Olive (Olea europaea L.)  widely cultivated important Mediterranean plant with high quality of oils and rich compounds. His works on Olive involve in both the biosynthesis of metabolic pathways including phytosterols, strigolactones, Vitamin E and root development. Dr. TASKIN arrived at NC State University at the beginning of July, 2022 to work with both Dr. Hamid Ashrafi and Dr. Kedong Da in their labs. The target of the fellowship was to determine the function of the genes involve in one of the components of apomixis through complementation analysis. While at NC State University, Dr. TASKIN learned the basic Linux terminal command system, NGS library preparation, bioinformatic analysis of NGS data and floral dipping transformation method. During the program, he attended to the Plant Biology Conference and had a chance to meet scientists in his area.


NC State Borlaug Fellow, Fatma Gül Maraş Vanlioğlu, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Field Crops Central research Institute, Biotechnology Research Center - Turkey, posing in front of her research symposium poster

Fatma Gül Maraş Vanlioğlu, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Field Crops Central research Institute, Biotechnology Research Center – Turkey – Borlaug Fellow

Fatma Gül arrived at NC State University at the beginning of 2020 to work with both Dr. Hamid Ashrafi and Dr. Gina Brown-Guedira in their labs. The target of the fellowship was to integrate the Genotyping-by-Sequencing (GBS) pipeline to the breeding process of Turkey. While at NC State University, Fatma Gül learned the basic Linux terminal command system, and then she investigated GBS library preparation, bioinformatic analysis of GBS data and SNP determination for specific quantitative traits. After GBS data analysis, she studied the KASP primer design for determined SNP regions of specific traits. During the program, she attended to the Plant and Animal Genome Conference and had a chance to meet the most important scientists in her area.

FALL 2019

Dr. María-Elena Cazar RamírezHead of the Biotechnology and Biodiversity NC State University Borlaug Fellow Dr. María-Elena Cazar Ramírez,  Head of the Biotechnology and Biodiversity Group, Universidad de Cuenca – EcuadorGroup, Universidad de Cuenca – Ecuador – Borlaug Fellow

María-Elena Cazar Ramírez is a chemist, with a main interest in bioactive secondary metabolites from plants and fungi. She earned a B.S in Chemistry from Escuela Superior Politécnica del Chimborazo (Ecuador) and a Ph.D in Natural Products Research in Universidad de Talca (Chile). María-Elena Cazar developed scientific stays at Technische Universität Kaiserslautern (Germany) and Leiden University (The Netherlands). At the Chemical Sciences Faculty from Universidad de Cuenca, she leads the Biotechnology and Biodiversity Group, creating a space for research focused in the bioactivity of plants and microorganisms from Southern Ecuador. In this group, cooperation and scientific exchange is a strategy towards the excellence in research. Besides, she is a faculty member of the University Council of Universidad de Cuenca and Vice President of the Latin American Society of Medicinal Plants.

María-Elena Cazar develops collaborations with Universität Osnabrück (Germany) and Universidad de Chile (Chile), among others. These strategies allowed the exchange of academics and students from the Chemical Sciences Faculty at Universidad de Cuenca and the networking institutions. On 2019, she was selected for the Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellowship Program. North Carolina State University is the venue for her fellowship. Currently, María-Elena Cazar works with Dr. De-Yu Xie, professor in the Department of Plant and Microbial Biology, in a project focused in the characterization of bioactive secondary metabolites from Ecuadorian cacao. The aim of this project is to increase the value of Ecuadorian cacao accessions by the characterization of polyphenols, and monitor polyphenols changes during artisanal cacao processing. María-Elena Cazar values this magnificent opportunity to work with Dr. De-Yu Xie, a renowned scientist in the field of natural products. This experience will be the first step in a fruitful scientific collaboration.


Borlaug Fellow Hamilton Chiango, Assistant Lecturer and Researcher, Universidade Eduardo Mondiane - Mozambique with his project in the NC State PhytotronHamilton Chiango, Assistant Lecturer and Researcher, Universidade Eduardo Mondiane – Mozambique – Borlaug Fellow

Hamilton arrived to NC State University in Spring 2019 to work with Dr. Tom Sinclair in Crop and Soil Science.  During his fellowship, Hamilton investigated phenotyping of maize inbred lines for expression of two water-conservation traits: sensitivity to soil drying and to atmospheric vapor pressure deficits. Through greenhouse experiments, Hamilton was able to phenotype at 25 of the major inbred lines used in Mozambique in response to soil drying and vapor pressure deficit treatments.

FALL 2018

Dr. Anne Njoroge, Research Associate, Crop and System Sciences Division, International Potato Center, Nairiobi – Kenya – Borlaug Fellow

NC State Borlaug Fellow Dr. Anne Njoroge, Research Associate, Crop and System Sciences Division, International Potato Center, Nairiobi - Kenya pipetting in the labAnne is a CGIAR Borlaug Fellow with Dr. Jean Ristaino as her NC State faculty mentor.  Anne is conducting research on Phytophera infestans population structure and pathogen evolution in eastern Africa.  Anne has has mapped the pathogen population in five eastern Africa countries as a basis for P. infestans surveillance in the region.  Additionally, she has generated pathogen data for the potato national breeding programs interested in a particular European potato variety as well as CIP’s potato biotechnology breeding group, that can be used for future deployment of the 3R transgenic potato for Africa. Anne is also a PhD student finalist at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU-Uppsala) and defended her dissertation in Plant Pathology in January 2019.  


Dr. Ahlam Hamim, National Institute of Agriculture, Research of Tangier – Morocco –  Borlaug Fellow

Dr. Hamim came to NC State University in the spring of 2018 to Borlaug Fellow Dr. Ahlam Hamim, National Institute of Agriculture, Research of Tangier - Morocco presenting her research on "Small Fruit Berry Crops off-season Production"work with Dr. Hamid Ashrafi in his blueberry genetics and genomics lab.  The overall objectives of Dr. Hamim’s fellowship work was to aid in the development small fruit berry crops in Loukkos, Morocco.  While at NC State University, Dr. Hamim was able to investigate micropropagation techniques for blueberries and other small fruit berry crops, conduct field blueberry breeding research, assess small fruit berry varieties, and conduct quality tests.   In addition to Dr. Hamim’s research experience, she was able to interact one-on-one with North Carolina blueberry growers during the blueberry field day.

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