NC State CALS and Nagoya University GSBS Research Collaboration Seed Grants

To promote research collaborations between North Carolina State University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) and Nagoya University Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences (GSBS), both institutions, based upon the principles of respect for each other’s independence and of mutual benefit, agree to establish the Research Collaboration Seed Grants.

2024-2025 FUNDING


The Research Collaboration Seed Grants aims to achieve: 

  • high quality and long-term research collaboration between CALS and GSBS faculty/researchers in areas of strategic importance; 
  • publication of high-quality joint research papers; 
  • subsequent submission of high-quality collaborative research funding applications.


Permanent, tenured or tenure-track research faculty or research professionals at CALS and faculty and research professionals at GSBS.


Funding of up to 5,000 USD by CALS and 1,000,000 JPY by GSBS will be made available to the respective PIs/collaborators at CALS and GSBS. The fund by each institution can be used based on the guidance set by each institution independently. Planned expenditures should be in line with the financial policies of the funding party. The NC State CALS and NU GSBS Research Collaboration Seed Grants is a one-time award with no opportunity for renewal.

Period of Performance

Funding will support projects initiated in 2025. The CALS fund must be expended by June 30, 2025 and the GSBS fund by December 31, 2025. 

Number of Awardees

Two types of funds are available: 

1 joint collaborative seed grant for a joint CALS/GSBS research team available to one (1) applicant team which will fund travel for one (1) CALS researcher (2,500 USD) and fund travel and research for one (1) GSBS researcher or group (1,000,000 JPY) per year. 

1 travel grant for CALS faculty to visit partner researchers and laboratories at Nagoya available to one (1) CALS researcher (2,500 USD)

Submission requirements and instructions

(1) Applicants interested in the collaborative seed fund shall complete one joint application including CALS and GSBS researchers, hereafter referred to as “Applicant Team.” Application should include the information described below. The application needs to be written in English and to follow the application template (Appendix 1). 

The application needs to describe the following: 

Applicant Team 

  • CALS applicant names, titles, and affiliations 
  • GSBS applicant names, titles, and affiliations 


  • Name of the joint project 
  • Keywords 
  • Summary of the collaboration proposed for this Research Collaboration Seed Grants including research aims and goals, research methods, and proposed timeline of activities) (Complementary roles) 
  • Complementary roles and expertise between Applicant Team for the potential research collaboration 

Prospected results 

  • Prospects of joint publications on collaborative research supported by this Research Collaboration Seed Grants 
  • Prospects of a subsequent submission of high-quality collaborative research funding application 

Representation consent 

  • Consent to present home institution’s research overview to the researchers at the counterpart institution 


  • CALS budget planning of the collaboration 
  • GSBS budget planning of the collaboration 

(2) CALS Applicants interested in the individual travel grant should complete a one page proposal including the following: 

  • Applicant name, title, and affiliation 
  • Summary of proposed activities in Nagoya, including reference to specific researchers, institutions, laboratories, etc. 
  • Summary of complementary lines of research between CALS applicant and GSBS researchers. 
  • Summary of potential benefits of travel to Nagoya University.
  • Travel budget.

Submission & Deadline

CALS researchers in the Applicant Team shall submit the joint application or individual travel grant application to Jose Cisneros ( and Andrew Ofstehage ( and GSBS researchers shall submit the same application to GSBS contact respectively for the initial independent review by each institution.

Applications are due on November 1, 2025.


(1) Independent review 

Applications that meet the eligibility requirements will be reviewed and assessed by the review panels at each institution independently in the first instance. The review panel will rank the application from the first to the bottom. 

(2) Joint review 

A joint committee consisting of representatives from CALS and GSBS will convene with the rankings reviewed independently and make the final decision for the award. 

(3) The criteria/Funding priority 

The consideration will involve the extent to which each proposal: 

  • Seeks to address a research problem of global importance; 
  • Brings together complementary expertise from the two institutions; 
  • Has clear and measurable objectives and activities aligned with the purpose of the project; ● Focuses on the achievement of concrete outcomes and results, including joint publications and subsequent submission of research fund applications; 
  • Demonstrates commitment from appropriately qualified researchers; 
  • Has a clearly articulated and justified budget. 


September 1, 2024 First day of accepting applications
November 1, 2024 Final day of accepting applications
December 1, 2024 Announcement of the awardees
January 15, 2025 Release for the funds


Thirty days after finishing the joint project, the Applicant Team/applicant needs to create a report including the following:

  • the summary of the joint project 
  • outcome/results 
  • prospects of or progress towards joint publications and subsequent submission of research fund applications/prospects for further collaboration  
  • total expense used 


Downloads & Links

Click on the links below to download pdf documents and find useful information

Application template

Limited sample of Nagoya University faculty collaborators

List of NU GSBS Researchers


NC State CALS:

Jose Cisneros, Director, CALS International Programs 
Andrew Ofstehage, Program Coordinator, CALS International Programs 

Nagoya University GSBS:

Daigo Takemoto, Professor, Department of Plant Production Sciences 
Andres Daniel Maturana, Assoc. Professor, Department of Applied Biosciences "