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Brandon Hopper

Apr 28, 2016

Welcome to Our New Area Specialized Agents (ASAs)

We are pleased to welcome five new and one continuing area specialized agents to our horticulture Extension team. You may be wondering…. What is an Area Specialized Agent? From the… 

Apr 28, 2016

Trademarking Trees with Dr. Werner

Each year has its new must-have plants. But those plants can take decades to go from idea to the perfect new plant for your garden. Prominent plant breeder, Dr. Denny… 

Apr 28, 2016

Almanac Gardener

A perennial favorite on UNC-TV,  Almanac Gardener’s gardening guru Mike Gray, and his fellow experts from the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service at North Carolina State University’s College of Agriculture… 

Mar 31, 2016

Ms. Michelle Healey Honored with 2016 Award for Excellence

Please join me in congratulating Michelle Healey, recipient of a 2016 Award for Excellence from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Michelle received a letter of congratulations for this… 

Horticultural Science, 39th National Collegiate Landscape Competition Annual

Mar 31, 2016

2016 Horticulture Landscape Team

A dedicated and talented team of 22 students competed in the 40th Annual National Collegiate Landscape Competition at Mississippi State University. The team placed 7th overall of 62 colleges and… 

Lettuce substrates

Mar 31, 2016

Sizing Up Substrates

To be profitable, container production of horticultural crops requires precise control of water and fertilizers. Physical properties of horticultural substrates have been studied in order to help develop more effective… 

Dr. Spivak

Feb 25, 2016

Mason Pharr Seminar: Why bees are disappearing by Dr. Spivak

This year the Mason Pharr Seminar committee is proud to announce that Dr. Marla Spivak from the University of Minnesota will be our speaker, Thursday, March 17, 2016. Dr. Spivak… 

Feb 25, 2016

2016 National Collegiate Landscape Competition

Spring is just around the corner, and so is the National Collegiate Landscape Competition (NCLC)!  This year will mark the 26th year that NC State Horticulture students will participate in this… 

2016 Weed Science Society of America

Feb 24, 2016

Success at the 2016 Weed Science Society of America Meeting

Last week, Sam McGowen, Nick Basinger, Dr. Katie Jennings, and Shawn Beam (left to right) traveled to Puerto Rico to attend the Southern Weed Science Society and the Weed Science… 

Dr. John Dole

Jan 28, 2016

Dole Named as Interim Associate Dean and Director for Academic Programs

On Monday, January 25, 2016, Dean Richard Linton named Dr. John Dole, Interim Associate Dean and Director of Academic Programs, starting March 1.  Dole replaces Sam Pardue who will become…