Susana Milla-Lewis
Turfgrass Breeding & Genetics
Williams Hall 4114
My main research interests are in germplasm characterization and development of breeding populations, and the utilization of new technologies in association with conventional breeding methods for turfgrass improvement.
Publications – via Google Scholar
CS (HS) 211 – Plant Genetics
While I do not hold a formal extension appointment, the turfgrass breeding and genetics program has a broad group of clientele. As such, my extension activities typically include outreach interactions with sod growers, turfgrass seed companies, and other components of the turfgrass industry.
- Integration of multi-omics approaches reveals candidate genes for drought stress in St. Augustinegrass (<i>Stenotaphrum secundatum</i>), CROP SCIENCE (2025)
- Assessing Biofungicides and Host Resistance against Rhizoctonia Large Patch in Zoysiagrass, PATHOGENS (2024)
- Dehydration tolerance rather than avoidance explains drought resistance in zoysiagrass, PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM (2024)
- Enhancing drought resistance in warm-season turfgrasses: Fourteen years of progress through a multistate collaborative project across the southern United States, CROP SCIENCE (2024)
- Evaluation of centipedegrass [Eremochloa ophiuroides (Munro) Hack] lines in multi‐environment trials in North Carolina, International Turfgrass Society Research Journal (2024)
- Investigating multi-trophic effects of St. Augustinegrass cultivar blends in the Southeastern United States, CROP SCIENCE (2024)
- Maximizing genetic gains across agronomic and consumer preference traits in St. Augustinegrass breeding, CROP SCIENCE (2024)
- Molecular advances in St. Augustinegrass: from DNA markers to genome sequencing, GRASS RESEARCH (2024)
- Molecular analysis of St. Augustinegrass cultivar mixtures composition over time and latitude, CROP SCIENCE (2024)
- Registration of ‘FSA1602’ St. Augustinegrass, Journal of Plant Registrations (2024)