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Think and Do The Extraordinary
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Gail Wilkerson

Professor Emeritus

Crop Modeling

Emeritus Faculty

Williams Hall 2404B


The major goal of Dr. Wilkerson’s research program is to improve crop management decision-making through the application of computer technology. Research has been concentrated in the following areas: 1) development of computerized crop and pest management decision aids; 2) evaluation of scouting protocols through a combination of field research and simulation experiments, and 3) development of physiologically based models of crop growth, pest population dynamics, and crop/pest interactions. Recently, Dr. Wilkerson has turned her attention to developing Web-based applications, and to evaluating the possibility of using information on climate variability and climate forecasts to improve crop and pest management decision-making.

Current Websites:

Apple Coddling Moth Risk Forecast:

Peanut Risk Management Decision Aid:

Peanut Production in the Carolinas and Virginia:

Public Weather Station Climate Data:

SoyVar (Soybean Variety Selection):

Strawberry Fruit Infection Risk Predictions:



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