
Jan 25, 2021  |  Research

Big Data’s FRST Step In Environmental Stewardship

Soil testing is the main way growers assess specific soil nutrient status and evaluate supplemental needs. Soil science researcher Deanna Osmond and team thinks it’s time to loose the power of big data to address one of agriculture’s most nagging issues, nutrient management.  

Nov 17, 2020  |  Gifts and Awards

$8.1M+ in Private Gifts Invigorate Greenhouse Gas Research in Agriculture

NC State’s Department of Crop and Soil Sciences is delighted to announce a series of planned and current gifts totaling over $8M to enhance the study of greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation through agriculture.

Nov 16, 2020  |  Grants

Grant to Study Occurrence of PFAS in Biosolids and Swine Sludge

North Carolina’s Attorney General has awarded a three-year, $242,000 grant to NC State’s Department of Crop and Soil Sciences to study the potential presence and fate of PFAS in biosolids and swine sludge.

Nov 2, 2020  |  Graduate Students

Graduate Students Maintain Momentum Through Research

Time has been a tale of two dimensions in 2020: hurry up and wait. But many graduate students in NC State Extension programs are maintaining their academic momentum through field projects as part of NC State’s research restart.

Oct 5, 2020  |  Research

Measuring Greenhouse Gases Starts in Soil

Researchers from NC State’s Crop and Soil Sciences and the Center for Environmental Farming Systems (CEFS) are pioneering research methodology to understand and harness the power of our soil to affect climate change.

May 22, 2020  |  Faculty and Staff

Preserving Plant Progress

Wayne Holder and his team have wisely and effectively followed safety best practices to ensure the health and safety of the team and the plants. We are thankful for Wayne and the entire Method Road staff for their often behind-the-scenes work to make our breeding programs possible.

Apr 27, 2020  |  Research

University Scientists Grow Water Savings with Drought-Tolerant Turfgrass

A network of turfgrass researchers from six major universities, led by NC State, is reducing our lawn's irrigation needs with drought-tolerant turfgrasses that are attractive and healthy with minimal water.

Apr 8, 2020  |  Research

CALS Donates Protective Equipment, Supplies to Area Hospitals

CALS researchers donated truckloads of personal protective equipment including disposable gloves and N95 masks to area medical systems. Learn why two of them decided to give.

Feb 24, 2020  |  Research

Fungi Fertilize the Future

Think your town is crowded?  There are more living organisms in a gram of soil than there are people on earth.  It’s a part of a vast under-foot ecosystem with a big job. The soil food web provides the amazing service of recycling nature’s trash into soil treasure.  And it holds promise as the source for natural sustainable plant nutrition.

Nov 18, 2019  |  Academics

Teaching Gardens Get New Neighbors & Horsepower

Crop and Soil Sciences is home to two teaching gardens, previously separated by miles - in distance and approach.  Now, the gap has narrowed to a 50-foot perennial grass buffer.