Alice Manning Touchette
Kirby, Monks Named Interim Co-Directors of NC State Extension
Sarah Kirby and David Monks will become the interim associate deans and directors of NC State Extension when Richard Bonanno departs at the end of August.
Research Road Trip
Dean Garey Fox hit the road this summer not for vacation at the beach or the mountains, but rather to tour several of the 18 Research Stations NC State operates in partnership with the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.
CALS Bids Bittersweet Goodbye to Rich Bonanno
Richard Bonanno has sat at the helm of NC State Extension, the university’s largest outreach unit, since 2016 – and his leadership has helped the organization flourish. This August he will transition to a new role as executive director for the Association of Southern Region Extension Directors.
William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professors Announced
Twelve professors in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences were recently named William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professors.
Robots, Researchers and Resilient Agriculture
Chris Reberg-Horton was recently named the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina Foundation/W.K. Kellogg Distinguished Professor in Sustainable Community-Based Food Systems.
A Little Help Goes a Long Way
The CALS Alumni and Friends Society Scholarship Endowment is awarded to CALS students who show financial need, as well as leadership potential. Meet this year’s recipients.
The (Turf)grass is Always Greener on the Other Side
If a whiff of fresh cut grass makes you start humming “Take me out to the ball game,” then you’re either itching for spring training, passionate about turf grass management, or both.
New, Emerging Crop: Cigar Wrapper Tobacco
Crop and Soil Sciences’ Matthew Vann discusses his research on North Carolina’s emerging crop, cigar wrapper tobacco.
Brazilian Soybean Intern Stays, Just a Little Bit Longer
A graduate student in crop and soil sciences at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná in Brazil, Barros arrived at NC State to learn more about soybean cultivation in North Carolina and extended his stay for the friendships and new experiences.