Extension for Commodities

Our Extension Specialists work closely with field faculty in all 100 North Carolina counties and the Eastern Band of Cherokee to deliver non-biased, research-based information and technology that make the state's diverse agriculture more profitable and ecologically sound.

To support these programs, most specialists conduct research on farms throughout the state, the 16 North Carolina research stations, and the Center for Environmental Farming Systems.

NC State Extension Field Crops Research

Information from state extension efforts in field crops

Aquatic Weeds

The Aquatic Weed Management Program at NC State offers basic information to County Extension Personnel and others interested in the management of vegetation in ponds, lakes, and streams. Follow the link for information on everything from plant identification to pesticide license information. You can also download our Aquatic Plants app for Apple and Android devices.


Cotton has been important to North Carolina for many years, both in agricultural production and in the textile industry. The NC State Extension Cotton website provides all the latest news and information, including regular updates on planting conditions, resources for diagnostics and testing, insect scouting guide, variety calculator and more.


Forage plants and grazing lands play a key role in North Carolina’s agriculture. Our work focuses on understanding the factors that determine productivity and sustainability of dedicated bioenergy grasses, forage, and forage-livestock systems and the interactions of plants, animals, and the environment.

Small Ruminants

Interest in small ruminant production in North Carolina has increased steadily during the past 18 years because of the demand for small ruminants by ethnic groups who prefer them in their diet. The Small Ruminant Information Website brings together all the resources pertaining to production, management, and marketing of small ruminants. On this site, extension agents and producers can find extension and research-based information specific to North Carolina small ruminant production.

Noncropland Weed Management

The Noncropland Weed Management Program at NC State offers basic information to County Extension Personnel and others interested in the management of vegetation on highway and utility rights-of-way.

Organic Field Crop Production

The NC State Organic Grain Production program focuses on equipping North Carolina farmers with the skills and agronomic support needed to produce and market organic grain crops. The goal of this program is to motivate individuals, through extension educational activities, to adopt and maintain organic crop rotations and to pursue markets for these farm products.


We provide up-to-date information on peanut production and management in order to assist peanut growers and their advisors produce peanut efficiently, economically and with minimal impact on the environment.


Learn how to reduce harvest loss and disease, and stay current on weed and insect management techniques and organic soybean production.


We provide extensive educational and research resources to the tobacco farm sector encompassing agronomics, plant pathology, entomology, agricultural engineering, and agricultural economics.


Packed with news, publications, “turf alerts,” videos and myriad other information, NC State’s Turffiles website is a go-to resource for homeowners, students, Extension personnel and professional turfgrass managers throughout the Southeast.

Wheat and Small Grains

Stay up-to-date on current weed, nutrient and insect management techniques; meet our staff; search Extension publications and get the latest small grains news.

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