Nathan Hostetter
Assistant Professor
Assistant Unit Leader – NC Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research
PhD, Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology, NC State University (2016)
Research Interests
Population ecology, quantitative ecology, demographic modeling, endangered species research.
My research integrates movement, population, and landscape ecology to study how environmental processes and anthropogenic stressors affect population dynamics. I link research to decision making by combining field studies, ecological theory, and robust statistical and mathematical modeling methods to directly quantify processes critical to informing management decisions. Given these broad applications, work within my lab spans a range of game and nongame species across terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems (mammals, birds, fish, and reptiles).
- Emotions and political identity predict public acceptance of urban deer management , URBAN ECOSYSTEMS (2025)
- Spatiotemporal dynamics and habitat use of red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) on the southeastern United States Atlantic continental shelf , FISHERIES RESEARCH (2024)
- Applying mark-resight, count, and telemetry data to estimate effective sampling area and fish density with stationary underwater cameras , CANADIAN JOURNAL OF FISHERIES AND AQUATIC SCIENCES (2024)
- Artificial structure selection by economically important reef fishes at North Carolina artificial reefs , FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE (2024)
- High-Quality, Chromosome-Level Reference Genomes of the Viviparous Caribbean Skinks Spondylurus nitidus and S. culebrae , GENOME BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION (2024)
- Identifying Pareto-efficient eradication strategies for invasive populations , CONSERVATION LETTERS (2024)
- Multiple records of the introduced parthenogenetic Smooth-scaled Tegulet, Gymnophthalmus underwoodi Grant 1958, in Puerto Rico , Reptiles & Amphibians (2024)
- Multiple records of the introduced parthenogenetic Smooth-scaled Tegulet, Gymnophthalmus underwoodi Grant 1958, in Puerto Rico , Reptiles & Amphibians (2009)
- No evidence hunting bait increases American black bear population growth in Maine, USA , JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT (2024)
- Spawning run estimates and phenology for an extremely small population of Atlantic Sturgeon in the Marshyhope Creek-Nanticoke River system, Chesapeake Bay , MARINE AND COASTAL FISHERIES (2024)