Toxicology Extension programs align with NC State Extension’s mission of empowering people and providing solutions through educational programs that enrich the lives, land and economy of North Carolina.
Our extension programs develop and deliver training and educational and outreach materials, conduct applied toxicology research, and provide technical assistance to Extension’s field faculty, state and federal agencies, academic institutions, non-governmental organizations, industries, and individuals.
The three major areas of focus of Extension Toxicology faculty– Agromedicine, Environmental Toxicology, and Risk Analysis— address current trends and emerging issues in human health risk and environmental quality, including:
- Rural occupational and environmental health and safety
- Pesticide use, health effects, and regulation
- Surface and groundwater quality
- Fish consumption advisories
- Contaminant effects on threatened and endangered species, such as native mussels, fishes, and amphibians
- Ecological effects of exotic (introduced) species
- Risk analysis (comprised of risk assessment, risk management, and risk communication) of emerging contaminants
- Interdisciplinary risk science, coupling natural science and engineering with social sciences and stakeholder input