Aquaculture Extension
With abundant cold-water resources in the west and a long coastline to the east, North Carolina is a natural for aquaculture, and aquaculture has been among the fastest-growing segments of the state’s agriculture sector. North Carolina Cooperative Extension focuses on providing growers the information they need to continue growing this industry.
Program activities in aquaculture deal with technically advanced topics such as broodstock domestication and selection, sex manipulation, fish health, triploid production, effluent management, recirculating systems, and new culture species. Extension efforts enhance efficiency, profitability, and sustainability in existing warmwater, coolwater, and coldwater aquaculture and fisheries, and with the development of new species for aquaculture.
Client groups consist of area specialized aquaculture extension agents and county agents, state and federal agencies dealing with agriculture and natural resources, private producers and producer organizations, and other individuals with an interest in aquaculture and fisheries. Specialists in the mountains and the coastal plain maintain and operate laboratories capable of assisting with water quality and fish health issues. Both locations have facilities for conducting applied research and demonstration projects.
Education efforts include conducting workshops, field days, seminars and other training for the benefit of area extension agents and producers, as well as organizing sessions on aquaculture-related topics at state and national conferences. Active applied research programs enhance these efforts.
Information by Species
Aquaculture Extension Resources
NC State Fish Barn

Aquaculture Contacts
Dr. Harry Daniels
Extension Aquaculture Specialist
NC State Univ. Zoology Dept.
109 David Clark Labs
BOX 7617
Raleigh, NC 27695-7617
Phone: (919) 515.4589
Fax: (919) 515.5327
Mr. Mike Frinsko
Area Aquaculture Agent
Jones Co. NCCES Office
110 S. Market St.
P.O. Box 218
Trenton, NC 28585
Phone: (252) 448-9621 x228
Fax: (252) 448-1243
Mr. Skip Thompson
Area Aquaculture Agent
Haywood Co. NCCES Office
1233 North Main Street
Waynesville, NC 28786
Phone: (828) 456-3575
Fax: (828) 452-0289
Trout Production in North Carolina
Additional Information
For additional information, first contact your local county Cooperative Extension Center. View the complete list of county cooperative extension centers.