- Status of Catfish Production in North Carolina (2008 PDF)
- Catfish Farming (Nathan Stone, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff)
- Feed Mill Production in North Carolina
- Status of NC Aquaculture Part 1
- Status of NC Aquaculture Part 2
Southern Regional Aquaculture Center Fact Sheets (SRAC)
The Southern Regional Aquaculture Center is the main source for aquaculture publications in the United States. In addition to the fact sheet series, they also distribute videos and a large collection of print information.
- Channel Catfish: Life History and Biology
- Costs of Small_Scale Catfish Production
- Infestations of the Trematode Bulbophorus sp. in Channel Catfish
- Channel Catfish Broodstock Management
- Channel Catfish Broodstock and Hatchery Management
- Managing Hatch Rate and Disease in Catfish Eggs
- Advances in Catfish Harvesting Gear: Seines and Live Cars
- Feeding Catfish Commercial Ponds (Revised 1998)
- Processing Channel Catfish (Revised 2001)
- Processed Catfish: Product Forms, Packaging, Yields and Product Mix (Revised 2001)
- Production of Hybrid Catfish
- Design and Construction of Degassing Units for Catfish Hatcheries
- Managing Off-Flavor Problems in Pond-Raised Catfish
- Developing Business Proposals for Aquaculture Loans
- Testing Flavor Quality of Preharvest Channel Catfish
- Water Quantity and Quality Requirements for Channel Catfish Hatcheries
- Cost of Alternative Effluent Treatments for Catfish Production
- Submitting a Sample for Fish Kill Investigation
- Use of Medicated Feed in Food Fish
- The Role of Stress in Fish Disease
- Proliferative Gill Disease (Hamburger Gill Disease)
- Ich (White Spot Disease)
- ESC – Enteric Septicemia of Catfish
- Aeromonas Bacterial Infections (Motile Aeromonad Septicemia)
- Columnaris Disease: Flavobacterium Columnare
- Developing a HACCP Program for the Catfish Processing Industry
- You Can Do Catfish
- Effect of Nutrition on Body Composition and Subsequent Storage Quality of Farm-Raised Catfish
- Delineation and Evaluation of Catfish and Baitfish Pond Culture Practices
- Enhancement of the Immune Response to Edwardsiella Ictaluri in Channel Catfish
- Immunization of Channel Catfish
- Performance of Aeration Systems for Channel Catfish, Crawfish, and Rainbow Trout Production
Other Region Aquaculture Publications
- North Central # 106 Pond Culture of Channel Catfish in the North Central Region
- Thad Cochran National Warmwater Aquaculture Center
- Submission of Fish Samples
- llinois-Indiana Sea Grant Publications -Channel Catfish AS-498
- Mississippi State University Catfish Aquaculture
Alabama Cooperative Extension
- ANR-195 Channel Catfish Production in Ponds
- ANR-273 Catfish Farming Is It For You?
- ANR-826 Management Of Recreational Catfish Ponds In Alabama
Government Publications
- CTSA 122 Bacterial Diseases in Chinese Catfish
- CTSA 134 Aquafarmer Information Sheet: Triploid Chinese Catfish
Frequently Asked Questions
- Farm Raised Catfish – Mississippi State University
- National Catfish Information Database – Mississippi State University
Other Sites
- Catfish Institute – Great Marketing Support for the Catfish Industry
- Seafood Datasearch – A Source for Seafood Market Information
- SRAC: Catfish Farming in the South (Revised 1997)
- SRAC: Channel Catfish Spawning and Hatchery Management
Associations and Organizations
Alabama Catfish Producers
A Division of Alabama Farmers Federation
P.O. Box 11000
Montgomery, AL 36191-0001
Phone: 334-288-3900 EXT 4214
Fax: 334-284-3957
Catfish Farmers of America
1100 Highway 82 E, Suite 202
Indianola, MS 38751
Phone: 662-887-2699
Fax: 662-887-6857
Catfish Farmers of Arkansas
2705 Michelle Drive
Mena, AR 71953
Phone: 870-672-1716
Fax: 870-515-4637
Catfish Farmers of Mississippi
P.O. Box 1008
Indianola, MS 38751
Phone: 662-887-4842
Fax: 662-887-6749
Catfish Farmers of Oklahoma
P.O. Box 730
Langston University
Langston, OK 73050
Louisiana Catfish Farmers Association
8506 Highway 17
Winnsboro, LA 71295
Phone: 318-435-7551
The Catfish Institute
6311 Ridgewood Road, Suite W404,
Jackson, Mississippi 39211
(601) 977-9559
West Alabama Catfish Producers
P.O. Box 479, Route 2, Box 586
Greensboro, AL 36744
Phone: 334-624-7291