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NC Agricultural Education and FFA Staff Honored by NASAE

The National Association of Supervisors of Agricultural Education (NASAE) held its national conference October 24-26 in Indianapolis, IN. The purpose of NASAE is to provide members with information essential for planning and conducting quality agricultural education programs. While at the conference, Andy VonCanon was recognized with the Outstanding State Staff Award. This award recognizes state staff members such as regional supervisors, foundation directors, leadership coordinators, etc. who have made outstanding contributions to agricultural education.

VonCanon serves as the Western Region Agricultural Education Coordinator for North Carolina. He states that “It was quite an honor to be nominated for this recognition by my colleagues and very humbling to be named the national winner of this Outstanding State Staff Award by the National Association of Supervisors of Agricultural Education at our recent National Conference. I am very proud of the quality programs and teachers we support across NC, the growth we have experienced in our agricultural education program over the last several years, and the momentum and synergy our state staff team has moving forward.”

Josh Bledsoe
Joshus Bledsoe

In addition, Joshua Bledsoe was installed as the President of NASAE for 2022-2023. Bledsoe currently serves as the State Agricultural Education Leader and State FFA Advisor for North Carolina. Bledsoe is a previous NASAE Outstanding State Supervisor award recipient.  “I look forward to working with a talented group of state staff from across the nation to lead our profession in the coming year.”

Congratulations to VonCanon and Bledsoe on these accomplishments!