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A bunch of sweetpotatoes

May 27, 2020

Big Data for Better Sweetpotatoes

An interdisciplinary team led by Cranos Williams is setting out on a three-year project to use artificial intelligence to make sweetpotatoes even more profitable. The team will image hundreds of thousands of sweetpotatoes to increase the percentage of sweetpotatoes grown that are USDA grade 1. 

Craig Yencho and Bernard Yada ’14, Ph.D., survey sweetpotato vines at a research farm outside Kampala, Uganda.

May 4, 2020

NC State Researchers Continue Improving Sweetpotatoes for Africa

Craig Yencho and his team recently received part of a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to continue their work improving sweetpotatoes in Sub-Saharan Africa. The genomic tools developed through the three-year, $15-million-dollar grant will also improve sweetpotato breeding for North Carolina farmers. 

woman scientist in laboratory

Aug 23, 2019

On Call with Veggie Doc Lina Quesada-Ocampo

NC State scientist Lina Quesada is on the front lines with county Extension agents in helping vegetable growers deal with devastating plant diseases. 

Men standing around a table during a management case study.

Sep 20, 2018

Executive Farm Management Program Expanding in 2019

An Executive Farm Management Program that started in North Carolina is expanding to the entire Southeast. 

NC State gateway

Aug 14, 2017

NC State and Oracle Pilot ‘Big Data’ Project to Grow Agriculture

Oracle has selected NC State as a university partner to pilot a new program that uses big data to solve grand challenges in everything from agriculture to textiles to engineering. First on the list? Sweet potatoes. 

sweet potatoes in crate

Feb 20, 2017

Project Aims to Eliminate ‘Ugly’ Sweet Potatoes

Dr. Mike Boyette and grad student Amber Tsirnikas are on a mission to help farmers grow better (more attractive) sweet potatoes. Their efforts could boost the industry in a big way. 

Feb 10, 2017

“Greater Good” Award to Boost Sweet Potato Research

A plan to shed more light on the complicated genetics of the sweet potato has garnered two NC State University scientists an Agricultural Greater Good Initiative Award from the genomics company Illumina. 

Field of sweet potato plants

Sep 1, 2016

Mr. Sweet Potato’s Legacy

North Carolina’s sweet potato growers are building an endowment at NC State to ensure that a most successful university-industry partnership endures. It honors Henry M. Covington, a longtime extension specialist whose research and partnerships spurred the industry's growth. 

Nov 30, 2015

Scientists savor sweet potatoes

Dr. Mary Ann Lila hopes research she recently conducted will inspire consumers to maximize sweet potatoes’ health benefits year-round. She found that these vegetables’ functional ingredients can be incorporated into many different snack foods, baby foods, military rations and more. 

Apr 28, 2015

Industry advances sweet potato research and extension

NC State University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences’ research and extension work on sweet potatoes got a big boost April 15, as leaders in the sweet potato industry and associated endeavors gathered to celebrate reaching their $1.3 million goal for the Henry M. Covington Endowment.