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Department of Applied Ecology

CMAST researcher holds a big, pretty fish.

Jul 29, 2019

Campus At The Coast

About 150 miles from Raleigh, NC State’s Center for Marine Sciences and Technology is offering students unique experiences and furthering the university’s research and outreach mission. 

CALS researchers have found that the North African outdoors are most similar to U.S. indoors. Here, a giraffe eats a tree outdoors.

Mar 20, 2019

U.S. Indoor Climate Most Similar to Northeast African Outdoors

If you’re like the American citizen scientists who reported information about their home climate, you keep your home as close as possible to the outdoor climate of west central Kenya, according to a new paper by Applied Ecology's Rob Dunn and Lauren Nichols. 

Belltower with circles of light

Dec 31, 2018

CALS New Year’s Resolutions

Having a hard time coming up with a New Year’s resolution for 2019? Several faculty members from NC State’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences recently shared suggestions from their areas of expertise. 

CALS PhD Applied Ecology Emily Reed

Nov 18, 2018

Reimagining Women in STEM: Ph.D. Student Emily Reed

Former French major Emily Reed didn't think science and math were for her – until she took a molecular and cellular biology course with an excellent female professor. 

Photo of ants climbing on a yellow flower.

Oct 29, 2018

Ants for Antibiotics?: Omar Halawani Is on the Hunt

How do ant colonies defend themselves from harmful bacteria? NC State master’s student Omar Halawani is looking for answers. 

Adriana Hernandez-Aguilar swabbing leaf in nest for microbes.

May 18, 2018

Think Chimpanzee Beds Are Dirtier Than Human Ones? Think Again

Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) appear to keep tidier sleeping arrangements than humans do. That’s one finding of a recent study that evaluated the microbes and arthropods found in the treetop beds that chimpanzees make each night. 

Spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus), caught off the coast of North Carolina. Photo courtesy of Tim Ellis.

Jan 16, 2018

How Winter Temps Can Affect Your Spring Fishing

NC State scientists have recently published research that addresses the impact low temperatures can have on spotted seatrout, one of the most popular targets for recreational anglers. 

Giant panda eating bamboo

Dec 6, 2017

Separated Since the Dinosaurs, Bamboo-Eating Lemurs, Pandas Share Common Gut Microbes

A new study from North Carolina State University, the Smithsonian and Duke University finds that bamboo lemurs, giant pandas and red pandas share 48 gut microbes in common – despite the fact that they are separated by millions of years of evolution. 

Oct 25, 2017

The Dean’s Round Table: Facing The Future

CALS Dean Richard Linton gathers a panel of experts on industry, public policy, food processing, farming and more to discuss and debate what may lie ahead for North Carolina and for CALS itself. 

Indian Jumping Ant workers

May 4, 2017

‘Princess Pheromone’ Tells Ants Which Larvae Are Destined to Be Queens

For Indian jumping ants (Harpegnathos saltator), becoming royalty is all about timing.