Ph.D. student wins for national poster presentation

At the American Phytopathological Society’s recent annual meeting, a poster presentation by NC State University Plant Pathology Ph.D. student Alsayed M. Mashaheet and his co-authors was among five winners of the 2016 APS Phytobiomes Journal Poster Award, sponsored by the Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation.
Mashaheet’s poster presentation was entitled “Screening Some Rust Universal-Susceptible Wheat Varieties for Ozone Tolerance and Some Applications.” Dr. Dave Marshall serves as his major advisor.
This year, in conjunction with the launch of the Phytobiomes journal, APS awarded poster prizes to students and post doctoral scientists whose research was considered to be related to phytobiomes, which consist of plants, their environment and their associated communities of organisms. All student and postdoc posters (313 posters in total) were evaluated for the potential to be considered phytobiomes research. The short-listed posters were judged by a panel of editors from the Phytobiomes journal, and Sayed’s research poster was considered among the best in the group.
This post was originally published in College of Agriculture and Life Sciences News.