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How Quick Can You Brick? Traditions Scavenger Hunt

Celebrate and honor NC State traditions with the annual How Quick Can You Brick? Scavenger Hunt. All NC State students and student organizations are invited to participate, which will take…

University Teaching Awards Celebration

Provost Warwick Arden will honor more than 30 faculty for their commitment to educational excellence during the University Teaching Awards ceremony. This year, the winners will be recognized during a virtual celebration that will…

Dairy Science Club Bi-weekly Meeting


This is a regular meeting that the dairy science club has. It is now a zoom meeting, but we do have different guest speakers who talk about the dairy industry,…

Virtual Tuffy Trivia

Virtually test your knowledge of NC State traditions, athletics, campus and the city of Raleigh for a chance to win prizes (gift cards, custom jerseys and more!) Register here!