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Dairy Science Club Bi-weekly Meeting


This is a regular meeting that the dairy science club has. It is now a zoom meeting, but we do have different guest speakers who talk about the dairy industry,…

Pack Appreciation Day

Pack Appreciation Day is a virtual engagement event, kicking off Red and White Week by building connections between students and donors through their shared connection to an extraordinary place: NC…

Red and White Week: Wear Red Get Fed

This Red and White Week, an amazing lineup of Hillsborough Street businesses is providing free food, and all you have to do is wear red. Pull out one of your red…

RLA Forum: Learning From Disaster in the Age of COVID-19

Members of the Research Leadership Academy will host a forum focusing on disaster relief research and how these methods can be applied to the current COVID-19 pandemic. During this forum, participants…

2020 Chancellor’s Fall Address

Chancellor Randy Woodson invites you to the 2020 chancellor’s fall address — a celebration of NC State and our bold goals for the year ahead.

Cardio Dance Into Red and White Week

Dance your way into Red and White Week by attending this high-energy dance fitness class that will incorporate cardio moves and lively choreography to get you pumped up for the…

College Networking Night

College Networking Night provides an opportunity for students to connect, network, and engage with alumni from their respective colleges. Alumni will talk about their love of NC State and how…