Laboratory student showcasing items in commonly found in the lab

International Student Interns

NC State student and lab mentor working in the lab

Elevate Your Education with a Research Internship at NC State

Through international student internships at NC State, students learn American technologies, methodologies, and techniques and expand their existing knowledge and skills.

Student interns must be currently enrolled in a degree program at an accredited post-secondary academic institution outside the United States. Internships can last between 2 and 12 months and all are full-time (minimum 32 hours per week) and must fulfill the educational objectives of a student’s current degree program at their home institution.

Become a Student Intern

Are you enrolled in a degree program at an accredited post-secondary academic institution out of the United States and want to elevate your education through a student internship at NC State?
Follow the steps below to find a mentor in CALS and submit the necessary paperwork.  This process takes at least 90 days to complete.

  1. Find a CALS mentor
    1. Search the CALS Departments
    2. Complete our Google Request Form for assistance in finding a mentor.
  2. Develop a research plan and set a start date with your mentor.
  3. Student completes the Student DS-7002 Google Form
  4. Mentor completes the Department DS-7002 Google Form and provides student:
    1. Invitation letter
    2. English proficiency certification
  5. Office of International Services (OIS) issues DS-7002 to mentor
    1. Mentor signs DS-7002, forwards to student
    2. Student signs DS-7002
    3. OIS emails student link to apply for internship
  6. Student completes online application at least 60 days before start date and provides:
    1. Copy of passport
    2. Completed DS-7002 form from OIS with mentor and student signatures
    3. Invitation letter from mentor
    4. Home faculty member recommendation letter 
    5. School transcripts in English or translated into English
    6. English proficiency certification
    7. Funding documents (minimum $2,000 USD per month to cover living expenses)
    8. Internship fee of $400
  7. Mentor receives completed DS-7002 from OIS and mails a hard copy to the student.
  8. Mentor works with departmental HR to attain log-in credentials for the student and submits WolfPack One ID request.
  9. Scholar makes appointment at Embassy to attain J-1 visa
  10. When scholar arrives at NC State, mentor schedules OIS check-in meeting and scholar provides:
    1. J-1 visa
    2. I-94
    3. Proof of health insurance

CALS Student Interns

Eduardo Barros, international student intern, in the fieldEduardo Barros, PUCPR, Brazil
Eduardo arrived at NC State in 2019 to work with the soybean extension team under the lead of Dr. Rachel Vann in the Department of Crop and Soil Science.  During his internship, Eduardo traveled throughout the state meeting with farmers, participating in field days, and planting and managing soybean field trials.

Ryuta Inuaki, international student internRyuta Inukai, Nagoya University, Japan
Ryuta, a graduate student at Nagoya University, spent three months during spring 2019 in the lab of Dr. Joseph Barycki in the Department of Molecular and Structural Biochemistry focusing on cellular detoxification pathways.

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