Spain: International Research at the Polytechnic University of Valencia

This Research Pack Abroad summer research opportunity will provide students the opportunity to sharpen their research skills in all areas of agricultural research. Students will be matched with host faculty at Universitat Politechnica de Valencia in Valencia, Spain depending on their research background. Students will conduct laboratory and/or field research with faculty and international researchers onsite in Valencia, Spain. Students will experience a full-cultural immersion during the internship by living independently in the city. Weekends are free for the students to explore the area.


Courses: Independent Study (3 credits)

Program Dates: Mid-May to Mid-July


  • Scholarships Application Deadline: Apply by November 15, 2024
  • Application Deadline: Rolling admissions through March 1, 2025

How to Apply

Contact Dr. Adrienne Tucker directly at for application inquiry.

Have questions? We're here to help.

Adrienne Tucker, Ph.D.
Phone: 919-515-6653

Jose Cisneros
Phone: 919-515-1240