The National Council of Science, Technology, and Technological Innovation

CONCYTEC is the governing institution of the National System of Science and Technology and Technological Innovation, SINACYT, integrated by the Academy, the State Research Institutes, business organizations, communities and civil society. It is governed by the Framework Law on Science and Technology No. 28303.

Its purpose is to regulate, direct, guide, encourage, coordinate, monitor and evaluate the actions of the State in the field of Science, Technology and Technological Innovation and promote and promote their development through concerted action and complementarity between programs and projects of public institutions, academics, business social organizations and people who are members of SINACYT. For this, one of the first tasks to be carried out is to articulate all the organisms and resources of the sector in function of the objectives and national development policies established within the laws that govern us and within the policies indicated by our current Government, in particular in the framework of the “National Plan for Science and Technology and Innovation for Competitiveness and Human Development 2006-2021”. This will continue, promoting the national capacity to generate scientific and technological knowledge through research; knowledge that can be incorporated into the goods and services that the country must produce and, where possible, export.

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