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Jack Bacheler



TEACHING (0%) Although I have no formal teaching responsibility, I provide occasional lectures about IPM on agronomic crops.

2015 ENT 792 RISE OF THE BUGS (Color, whole presentation with notes, saved as a PDF)

2015 ENT 792 RISE OF THE BUGS (Black & White Handouts, 3 per page saved as a PDF)

2015 ENT 762 Boll Weevil Lecture 2015 PowerPoint Presentation (Color, Whole Presentation with notes, saved as a PDF)

2015 ENT 762 Boll Weevil Lecture 2015 PowerPoint Presentation (Black and white handout, 3/page – saved as a PDF)

2015 ENT762 Reading: Impact of boll weevil eradication on cotton production and insect management in Virginia and North Carolina, USA. J.S. Bacheler. 1995. pp. 405-410. Challenging the future: Proceedings of the World Cotton Research Conf. I. Brisbane, Aus.


Retired from:  EXTENSION (100%)  Our project provides statewide leadership for the extension and applied research cotton IPM program and secondary responsibility (to Dr. Reisig) for the development  and implementation of soybean, corn and wheat IPM programs. Our project implements arthropod management programs on cotton via education of county extension field faculty, growers, independent crop consultants and agribusiness personnel through both traditional and electronic delivery methods. Primary goals include teaching the biology and field identification of pests and beneficial arthropods, educating clientèle on the efficacy, timing and proper use of pesticides and the integration of new scouting threshold and biotechnology information into ongoing IPM programs. We strive to develop an effective, inexpensive and sustainable approach to managing cotton, soybean, corn and wheat insects in North Carolina.

Applied research emphasis has been placed on: 1) pest monitoring (e.g., conducting annual large-scale damaged boll surveys for our major late-season boll damaging cotton pests  (most recently stink bugs) and documenting major pest shifts, 2) the evaluation of transgenic Bt cottons  (determination of the conditions under which transgenic Bt cotton is profitable for North Carolina growers), 3) threshold development (establish thresholds for various insect pests of conventional and genetically altered cotton), 4) traditional insect control (evaluation of the efficacy of standard and new insecticides), and 5) the utility of various biological and cultural methods of pest management, including habitat manipulation. Applied research on wheat, corn, and soybean supplements that of the Reisig project and presently targets cereal leaf beetle management on wheat, varietal tolerance to lesser corn stalk borer on soybean and threshold development for pests of the above agronomic crops.

Links: 2015 Cotton Insect Scouting Guide

Publications (last 5 years)

  1. Cotton Beltwide Proceedings
  2. Arthropod Management Tests
  3. Southeast Farm Press
  4. Pest News


B.A Miami University (Ohio) 1966

M.S University of Florida 1968

Ph.D University of Florida 1972

Area(s) of Expertise

Cotton Pest Mangement