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Jim Harper

Professor Emeritus

Gardner Hall 2103



I am currently preparing a history of the Department of Entomology at NCSU.  This will cover all aspects of teaching, research and extension of entomological knowledge at what is today North Carolina State University from the time of its inauguration as the North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts to the present.


During my phased retirement, which ended on December 30, 2011, I developed and offered a Distance Eduction version of the course ENT 207 (601) Insects and Human Disease along with  Dr. John Meyer who developed a classroom version of the same course.  I will teach this for the third time in the Fall 2012 semester with Dr. Michael Reiskind as co-instructor.


B.S. University of Illinois Urbana 1964

M.S. University of Illinois Urbana 1965

Ph.D. Oregon State University 1969