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Spring 2025 Seminar Series

Seminars are held on Mondays from 11:15 am until 12:15 pm in the Toxicology Auditorium (TOX 2104) unless otherwise noted.

Date Time Speaker Affiliation Title Location
1/1311:15 am Carolyn YoungDept. of Entomology and Plant Pathology, NC StateDEPP past, present, and our strategic futureTOX 2104
1/20MLK Day – No seminar
1/2711:15 amScotty YangVirginia Tech UniversityBehavioral, molecular and microbial ecology in ant invasionsTOX 2104
2/311:15 amSanjay Antony-BabuTexas A&M UniversityThe Sinister Side of Phytomicrobiomes: Pathobiomes and DysbioisisTOX 2104
2/1011:15 amAlyssa Koehler BettsUniversity of DelawareOpening the can of worms: approaches to nematode management in the Mid-AtlanticTOX 2104
2/1711:15 amErika Machtinger (Vince Parman Memorial Lecture)Penn State UniversityBehavioral Blind Spots: Aligning Tick Management with Host Ecology for Maximum ImpactThomas Hall 3503 (Stephens Room)
2/2411:15 amEllen MartinsonUniversity of New MexicoOh the gall! Plant manipulating insects and their associated communitiesTOX 2104
3/311:15 amMichelle HeckCornell UniversitySolving citrus greening: closing the gap between the lab and the groveTOX 2104
3/10Spring Break – No Seminar
3/174:00 pmJean RistainoDept. of Entomology and Plant Pathology, NC StateTracking a Plant Killer In Ireland: Historical and Scientific Reflections on the Irish Famine PathogenPlant Sciences Building, Rooms 1322 ABC
3/2411:15 amIgnazio CarboneDept. of Entomology and Plant Pathology, NC StateFrom Aspergillus to AI: accelerating biological discovery through tools and innovationTOX 2104
3/3111:15 amGregory SwordTexas A&M UniversityFrom Cotton to Locusts and Back: Tales of Edited Genomes and Invasive SwarmsTOX 2104
4/711:15 amDominic ReisigDept. of Entomology and Plant Pathology, NC StateThe Myth of the Master Plan in Extension and ResearchTOX 2104
4/1411:15 amBrantlee Spakes-RichterUniversity of FloridaPathways to teaching: Preparing to teach in any sectorTOX 2104
4/2111:15 amBianca LopezAssociate Editor, Science (AAAS)Publishing and professional editing at ScienceTOX 2104
4/2210:00 amLauren Weidner (Mike Duke Seminar)Arizona State UniversityThomas Hall 3503 (Stephens Room)
4/24TBDPaul Esker (Rosie Perez Seminar)Penn State UniversityFrom Boots on the Ground to Big Data: Advancing Agriculture through Science and PracticeTBD

Past Seminars

To watch the recordings of seminars from the past calendar year, click the button below (requires Unity ID login).