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Undergraduate Minor

Interested in Solving Real-World Problems?

Don’t wait until after you graduate to start saving the world. Applied Ecology minor undergraduates actively apply ecological concepts to real-world problems while earning their degrees. Our alumni are well-equipped to address local and global challenges associated with a wide variety of important issues, like water quantity and quality, natural resource management, environmental conservation and restoration, climate change, and maintenance of biodiversity. To earn a minor in applied ecology, you will complete challenging courses and a mentored research experience. Take a look at the experiences our students have on our Instagram page.

Requirements and Electives

For admission, you should first complete BIO 181 and AEC/PB 360 with letter grades of C- or better before using CODA to add the minor on MyPack Portal.

For completion: You must complete AEC/PB 360, AEC 400, AEC 492/493 (At least 3 credits) and at least two additional courses from the electives list below. This will result in a minimum of 16 credit hours. All letter-graded courses must be completed with a C or better.

Required Courses (7 credit hours total)

AEC/PB 360 – Ecology (Prerequisite: C- or better in BIO 181) – 4 credit hours
AEC 400 – Applied Ecology (Prerequisite: AEC/PB 360) – 3 credit hours

Research Experience (3-6 credits)

AEC 492/493 – Learning Experience in Applied Ecology (on or off campus) – at least 3 credit hours

Complete the following steps before enrolling in AEC 492/493:

  1. Identify a mentor. Your mentor can be faculty, staff, or a graduate student at NC State or another academic institution, or a research professional beyond academia (e.g., someone in the NC Wildlife Resources Commission, NC Department of Environmental Quality, or NC Zoo or Aquarium).  You’ll make that connection by researching the work that individuals do to identifying someone that would be a good fit with your interests.
  2. Work with your mentor to map out an independent research project.  What you do for the experience is entirely up to you and your mentor. Your project could include lab work, field work, literature review, or a combination of these approaches. You will work with your mentor to articulate a specific scientific question, develop methods to collect and analyze data to answer that question, and interpret and contextualize your results. You’ll then present your project in the Applied Ecology Minors’ Research Symposium before you graduate.
  3. Complete the Memorandum of Agreement form, and turn it in to the minor coordinator. The completed form verifies that you and your mentor have agreed on the scope of the research you will complete, and how much time it will take you to complete it.


You must complete a minimum of 6 credit hours of Minor Electives. We provide a list of qualifying courses below; but this list is not exhaustive! Please contact the minor coordinator if you want to know whether another course might satisfy the Minor Electives requirement.

  • AEC 203 – Introduction to the Honey Bee and Beekeeping
  • AEC 245 – Practicing Conservation Ecology
  • AEC 295 – Special Topics in Applied Ecology (Prerequisite: BIO 181)
  • AEC 360 – Ecology
  • AEC 370/371 – Parasite and Disease Ecology/Lab
  • AEC 384 – Tropical Ecology in a  Changing World
  • AEC 390 – Community Ecology (Prerequisites: ENV 101, AEC 360 or PB 360 or FOR 260 or equivalent , MA 121 or MA 141 or ST 311 or equivalent)
  • AEC 400 – Applied Ecology
  • AEC 409 – Ecology and Conservation of Freshwater Invertebrates (Prerequisites:  ENV 101 or BIO 105 or BIO 181 or AEC 360 or PB 360 or FOR 260 or equivalent)
  • AEC 419 – Freshwater Ecology (Prerequisite: C- or better in AEC/PB 360)
  • AEC 420– Introduction to Fisheries Science (Prerequisite: C- or better in AEC/PB 360)
  • AEC 424 – Marine Fishes Ecology
  • AEC 437 – Gut Microbial Ecology
  • AEC 441/442 – Biology of Fishes/Lab (Prerequisite C- or better in AEC/PB 360)
  • AEC 460 – Field Ecology (Prerequisite: C- or better in AEC 360 and ST 311)
  • AEC 470 – Urban Ecology (Prerequisites: AEC/PB 360 or instructor permission)
  • AEC 495– Advanced Special Topics in Applied Ecology (Prerequisite: BIO 181)
  • BAE 204 – Intro to Ecological and Environmental Engineering.
  • BIO 220– Marine Biology (Prerequisite: BIO 181)
  • BIO/FW 353 – Wildlife Management (Prerequisite: BIO 181)
  • BIO 495 – Ecological and Evolutionary Dimensions of Conservation Biology in the Bahamas
  • CS 213 – Crops: Adaption & Production
  • CS 230 – Introduction to Agroecology (Prerequisite: BIO 105 or BIO 181 or BIO/ZO 160 or BO 200 or BO 205 or HS 201 or CS 213)
  • CS 411 – Crop Ecology (Prerequisite PB 321 or PB 421)
  • CS 430 – Advanced Agroecology
  • ENT 203 – An Introduction to the Honey Bee and Beekeeping
  • ENT 207 – Insects and Human Disease
  • ENT 212 – Basic Entomology
  • ENT 425 – General Entomology (Prerequisite: BIO 181 or BIO 140 or BIO 350)
  • ET 310 – Environmental Monitoring and Analysis
  • FOR 404 – Forest Wildlife Management
  • FW 221 – Conservation of Natural Resources
  • FW 312 – Fisheries Techniques and Management (One week of FWCB summer camp; 1 credit)
  • FW 314 – Coastal Ecology and Management (One week of FWCB summer camp; 1 credit. Prerequisite: BIO 181)
  • FW 403 – Urban Wildlife Management
  • FW 405 – Tropical Wildlife Ecology in Nicaragua
  • FW 445 – Human Dimensions of Conservation Biology in the Bahamas
  • FW 453 – Principles of Wildlife Science (Prerequisite: FW 353 and ST 311)
  • FW 465 – African Ecology and Conservation
  • GIS 280 – Intro to GIS
  • HS 201 – The World of Horticulture: Principles and Practices
  • HS 302 – Gardening with Herbaceous Perennials (Prerequisite: BIO 183 or BO 200)
  • HS 303 – Ornamental Plant Identification I (Prerequisite: BIO 181)
  • HS 304 – Ornamental Plant Identification II (Prerequisite: BIO 181)
  • MEA 150 – Environmental Issues in Water Resources
  • MEA 200 – Introduction to Oceanography
  • MEA 210 – Oceanography Lab
  • MEA 250 – Introduction to Coastal Environments (Prerequisite: MEA 200/210 or MEA 100/110)
  • MEA 251 – Introduction to Coastal Environments Laboratory
  • MEA 469 – Ecology of Coastal Resources (Prerequisite: MEA 250 and MEA 220 or MEA 449)
  • NR 300 – Natural Resource Measurements (Prerequisite: PB 360 or AEC 360 and ST 311)
  • NR 303 – Humans and the Environment
  • NR 350 – International Sustainable Resource Use
  • NR 420 – Watershed and Wetlands Hydrology (Prerequisite: SSC 200 and PB 360 or AEC 360)
  • PB 200 – Plant Life
  • PB 213 – Plants and Civilization (Prerequisite: BIO 125, BIO 105 or PB 200)
  • PB 215 – Medicinal Plants
  • PB 220 – Local Flora (Prerequisite: BIO 125 or PB 200)
  • PB 250 – Plant Biology
  • PB 403 – Systematic Botany (Prerequisite: PB 200, PB 250, BIO 183)
  • PB 464 – Rare Plants of North Carolina (Prerequisite: One of the following-PB 200, PB 220, or PB 403)
  • PB 480 – Introduction to Plant Biotechnology (Prerequisite: BCH 454 or BIT 510 or CS 211 or GN 311 or PB/BIO 414 or PB 421)
  • TOX 415 – Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry

Undergraduate Courses

Choose from an interesting variety of undergraduate courses such as applied ecology, field ecology and methods, science communication and more.

Undergraduate ecology

Apply for the Minor

Apply to the Applied Ecology minor program within MyPack Portal.  Upon admission, the minor coordinator will reach out with resources and add you to the Applied Ecology minors listserv.