Jie Cao
Ph.D., Marine Biology, University of Maine (2015)
Research Interests
My research is in the general area of quantitative fisheries ecology with an emphasis on population dynamics and ecosystem modeling. I am most interested in ecologically motivated and statistically innovative research that may improve science-based natural resource management. Specifically, I evaluate and develop quantitative techniques for assessing the past and current status of fish and invertebrate populations. This includes optimizing sampling schemes; developing more biologically realistic assessment models; estimating biological processes that vary over space and time; evaluating management strategies; and exploring how to manage marine populations in the face of climate change. The results are used to inform management decision making in US and international marine management bodies. As such, I work closely with state, federal and international natural resource agencies.
- A Simulation Study to Assess Impacts of Habitat-Dependent Parameters of Surplus Production Model on Stock Assessment of Chilean Jack Mackerel in the Southeast Pacific Ocean , JOURNAL OF OCEAN UNIVERSITY OF CHINA (2025)
- Long-Term Variability in the Southwest Atlantic Marine Fishery Ecosystems in Relation to Climate Change , FISHERIES OCEANOGRAPHY (2025)
- A Meta-Analysis of Bycatch Mitigation Methods for Sea Turtles Vulnerable to Swordfish and Tuna Longline Fisheries , FISH AND FISHERIES (2024)
- Evaluating impacts of environmental stress and bioactive chemicals on the North Carolina blue crab population: An individual-based model , MARINE AND COASTAL FISHERIES (2024)
- Exploring tradeoffs in southeast United States marine fisheries management using management strategy evaluation , FISHERIES RESEARCH (2024)
- Fishery management strategies for Red Snapper in the southeastern US Atlantic: A spatial population model to compare approaches , NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF FISHERIES MANAGEMENT (2024)
- Nonstationary response of commercially pelagic species in the Humboldt current ecosystem to climate variability , REVIEWS IN FISH BIOLOGY AND FISHERIES (2024)
- Numerical simulation-based hydrodynamic interaction of bottom-set gillnet with current and ecological implications , OCEAN ENGINEERING (2023)
- Quantifying intra-annual changes in abundance and distribution to identify the magnitude and scale of potential mortality events , ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE (2024)
- Spatiotemporal dynamics of Atlantic reef fishes off the southeastern US coast , ECOSPHERE (2024)