Applied Ecology Department Seminar: David Tarpy

2722 Bostian Hall

David Tarpy Applied Ecology, NC State Phenotypic plasticity of honey bee queens and the consequences of colony collective decision making In person and on Zoom For those off NC State campus, email Heather Frantz for a Zoom link (

Applied Ecology Department Seminar: Erin McKenney

2722 Bostian Hall

Erin McKenney Applied Ecology, NC State Simple gut systems tell complex stories In person and on Zoom For those off NC State campus, email Heather Frantz for a Zoom link (

Applied Ecology Department Seminar: Kasie Raymann

2722 Bostian Hall

Kasie Raymann Plant and Microbial Biology, NC State Ecology and evolution of honey bee microbiomes In person and on Zoom For those off NC State campus, email Heather Frantz for a Zoom link (