Kyle Shertzer
Adjunct Faculty
Research Mathematical Statistician, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
PhD Biomathematics North Carolina State University 2001
Area(s) of Expertise
Stock assessment of marine fishes; quantitative modeling of populations, communities, and ecosystems; fishery management
- Applying mark-resight, count, and telemetry data to estimate effective sampling area and fish density with stationary underwater cameras , CANADIAN JOURNAL OF FISHERIES AND AQUATIC SCIENCES (2024)
- Exploring tradeoffs in southeast United States marine fisheries management using management strategy evaluation , FISHERIES RESEARCH (2024)
- Fishery management strategies for Red Snapper in the southeastern US Atlantic: A spatial population model to compare approaches , NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF FISHERIES MANAGEMENT (2024)
- Spatiotemporal dynamics and habitat use of red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) on the southeastern United States Atlantic continental shelf , FISHERIES RESEARCH (2024)
- Integrating information from semi-structured interviews into management strategy evaluation: a case study for Southeast United States marine fisheries (vol 9, 1063260, 2022) , FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE (2023)
- Integrating information from semi-structured interviews into management strategy evaluation: a case study for Southeast United States marine fisheries , Frontiers in Marine Science (2022)
- Source-sink recruitment of red snapper: Connectivity between the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean , FISHERIES OCEANOGRAPHY (2022)
- Discard Mortality of Red Snapper Released with Descender Devices in the US South Atlantic , MARINE AND COASTAL FISHERIES (2021)
- Environmental conditions, diel period, and fish size influence the horizontal and vertical movements of red snapper , SCIENTIFIC REPORTS (2021)
- Fine-scale behavior of red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) around bait: approach distances, bait plume dynamics, and effective fishing area , CANADIAN JOURNAL OF FISHERIES AND AQUATIC SCIENCES (2021)