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Nick Loschin


Nick is originally from North Carolina and holds a BS in Environmental Science from NC State. Currently, he is a PhD candidate in the Applied Ecology Department, working in the Interdisciplinary Risk Sciences team under Dr. Khara Grieger. He decided to join the PhD program at NC State because he is interested in better understanding the interdisciplinary intersections between risk assessment, sustainability, and community engagement within the context of new food and agriculture technologies.

Nick’s research lies in the interdisciplinary intersections between risk sciences, genetic engineering in agriculture, and risk governance frameworks, and sustainability. More specifically, his research unpacks and explores environmental risk assessment processes for genetic engineering in plants, and governance structures that support our current biotechnology risk assessment in the U.S.

Over the past few years, he has been working at US EPA as an ORISE Research Fellow, centered his work within social and natural sciences to make science more accessible to diverse groups. More specifically, his team is situated within the Sustainable and Healthy Communities National Research Program, focusing on environmental justice, science translation, and cumulative risk impacts. He also volunteers with the RTP Speakers Bureau, where he regularly gives presentations on sustainability to a wide variety of audiences and organizations.


BS Environmental Sciences North Carolina State University