Kimberly Ange-van Heugten
Dr. Ange-van Heugten’s primary appointment at NC State University is education. She teaches approximately 7-8 companion animal and/or nutrition courses per year with an average yearly enrollment of approximately 450 students. She also runs a comparative nutrition research program. In recent years, this program has been very active. Areas of focus include: researching the feline and great ape microbiome, fatty acid concentrations comparisons within and between human-managed and free-ranging amphibians, reptiles, megaherbivores (elephant and rhino), and great-apes; general nutrition improvements and concerns, as well as testing, advancing technologies within numerous species (elephants, primates (chimps and gorillas), rhinos & tapis (and other perissodactyla species), sea turtles and toads).
- Amino acid profiles for red wolves (Canis rufuse managed under human care are significantly different compared to the profiles of domestic dogs (Canis familiarise) , AMERICAN JOURNAL OF VETERINARY RESEARCH (2025)
- Assessing Value of a Novel NC State University Two-Week Animal Science Study Abroad Course in Chiang Mai, Thailand for Post-Pandemic Student Education. , JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE (2023)
- Comparison of Corticosterone Concentrations in Dermal Secretions and Urine in Free-Ranging Marine Toads (Rhinella marina) in Human Care , VETERINARY MEDICINE INTERNATIONAL (2023)
- Conservation Innovations and Future Directions for the Study of Rhinoceros Gut Microbiome , JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGICAL AND BOTANICAL GARDENS (2023)
- Effect of fecal preservation method on captive southern white rhinoceros gut microbiome , WILDLIFE SOCIETY BULLETIN (2023)
- Effects of age, seasonality, and reproductive status on the gut microbiome of Southern White Rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum) at the North Carolina zoo , ANIMAL MICROBIOME (2023)
- Serum vitamin D in sanctuary chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) in range countries: A pilot study , VETERINARY MEDICINE AND SCIENCE (2023)
- The Effect of Pyrantel Pamoate Treatment on Fecal Pinworm (Leidynema appendiculata) Parasites of Dietary Dubia Roaches (Blaptica dubia): Efforts to Eliminate Passthrough Fecal Pseudoparasites in Lesser Hedgehog Tenrecs (Echinops telfairi) , JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGICAL AND BOTANICAL GARDENS (2023)
- Veterinary education and experience shape beliefs about dog breeds Part 1: Pain sensitivity , SCIENTIFIC REPORTS (2023)
- Veterinary education and experience shape beliefs about dog breeds. Part 2: Trust , SCIENTIFIC REPORTS (2023)