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Agricultural and Human Sciences

Dr. Carolyn Dunn headshot

Jun 1, 2021

Carolyn Dunn Reflects on Time at NC State, Leadership and What’s Next

As AHS department head since 2014, Carolyn Dunn says that the most rewarding aspect of leading the department has been the ability to help faculty figure things out. 

May 19, 2021

AEE Undergrad, Elizabeth Espino, Expands Skill Set to Support Migrant Farmworkers as Agromedicine Institute Intern

AEE undergraduate student, Elizabeth Espino, hones in on skills she gained as an intern with Agromedicine Institute and uses those skills to support migrant farm workers in her community. 

Apr 1, 2021

2020 Annual Report

The Department of Agricultural and Human Sciences 2020 Annual Report summarizes all the major accomplishments, contributions and hard work of our AHS departmental faculty, students and staff. 

Mar 26, 2021

Transfer Student Raina Perez Talks Basketball, Online Learning Amidst COVID

Transfer student Raina Perez shares a bit about playing for the NC State Women’s Basketball team and adjusting to online learning in the YFCS program. 

Mar 25, 2021

AEE Undergrad Gains Experience Through Internship at RISE for Local Foods

AEE undergraduate student, Sarah White, shares about her experience working as an intern for RISE for Local Foods and next steps after finishing up her junior year at NC State. 

steel wolf on campus

Mar 17, 2021

AHS Welcomes, Awards, Recognitions and Features

The Department of Agricultural and Human Sciences would like welcome our new faculty members to NC State and to the Department. AHS would also like to recognize and congratulate all those featured, awarded and nominated for various work they have contributed to the university, college and department. 

Mar 3, 2021

Extension Webinar Series Aims to Educate on Social Justice, Diversity and Inclusion

There is no question that talks of racial justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion have been at the forefront of the national dialogue for quite some time now. How can we build on this shift to deepen the knowledge and skills of Extension professionals?