‘Pickin’ in the Pines’ to Help Send Kids to 4-H Camp

Pickin’ in the Pines, a barbecue and bluegrass concert featuring three North Carolina acts, including Grammy-nominated Blue Highway, is being hosted by the Millstone 4-H Camp Advisory Council on Saturday Oct. 21. The goal: to raise funds to provide “camperships” or scholarships for youth with limited resources to attend a week at 4-H camp next summer. The event takes place from 6 to 11 p.m. at the Millstone 4-H Camp in Ellerbe.
Other performers are Long Gone Bluegrass and Lauren & Lane. Tickets to the adults-only event are $50 and available at https://www.millstone4hcamp.com/pickin-in-the-pines.html.
Millstone 4-H Camp Advisory Council members came up with the idea and have been planning and preparing for this event for over a year, said Dave Herpy, director of North Carolina’s 4-H Camps and Conference Centers.
“Through their dedication and hard work, along with the generosity of donors including local businesses and civic organizations, the council hopes to secure enough in sponsorships to cover the $10,000 of overhead costs, so that all of the ticket sales can be used to provide camperships to youth next summer,” he said. They hope to sell at least 200 tickets, which would help send over 20 youth to camp next summer.
In addition to funding the $420 registration fee per child for 4-H camp, $40 per child will also be used to purchase camp supplies — such as bug spray, swimsuit, sunscreen and water shoes — so that those children have the same essential supplies to attend camp as the other children in attendance. Millstone 4-H Camp will work with 4-H agents across the state to identify children as prospective campers.
Herpy added that this is a great example of how citizen volunteers help accomplish the Cooperative Extension mission of North Carolina’s land-grant universities, NC State and North Carolina A&T State University.
“Camp is one of four main delivery modes for 4-H Youth Development, along with clubs, school enrichment and special interest,” Herpy said. “4-H Camp is essential for experiential learning and developing life skills, as well as fostering an appreciation for nature. Through just one week of camp, youth have the opportunity to try new activities, learn new skills and make new friends. The value of camp is priceless.”
Millstone 4-H Camp offers both day and residential 4-H summer camp programs beginning in June and running through August each summer. Activities include archery, arts and crafts, canoeing, challenge courses, nature study, and more.
About Millstone 4-H Camp
Millstone 4-H Camp was constructed by the Civilian Conservation Corps under President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Works Progress Administration and opened in 1939. Many of the original structures still remain today, celebrating the rich history of the camp.
Millstone is located in the heart of the Sandhills Game Land and sits among some of the most beautifully restored longleaf pine stands in the southeastern United States. Millstone has many natural treasures spread over its 320 acres, from unique ecosystems to specialized recreational facilities. The camp is based on longstanding 4-H history and incorporates the best of traditional and modern programs.
Millstone is also home to the new State Employees’ Credit Union 4-H Learning Center, which opened in April 2016. As part of the N.C. 4-H History and Learning Center Complex at Millstone, the new facilities add about 3,500 square feet of conditioned space for retreats, conferences, workshops and educational programs for K-12 youth as well as adults. The space includes The Cole Foundation Auditorium seating more than 150 people, a 4-H archive and conference room, and the North Carolina 4-H Hall of Leadership with professional exhibits that illustrate 4-H’s history while honoring former state 4-H program leaders.
The camp serves more than 600 youth through its 8-week summer camp program and more than 7,000 participants during the school year through its facilities and programs. For more information, visit www.millstone4hcamp.com.
About North Carolina 4-H
4-H is the largest youth organization in North Carolina, with more than 239,000 participants and 20,500 youth and adult volunteers. 4-H is the only youth organization based at land-grant universities and provides the first experience many youth have with higher education. NC State University partners with N.C. A&T State University to conduct the 4-H program through their Extension organizations. To learn more or to find out how to get involved, visit www.nc4h.org.
About NC State Extension
NC State Extension is the educational outreach provider of North Carolina’s preeminent research enterprise – NC State University. NC State Extension translates research-based knowledge in the areas of agriculture, food and nutrition, and 4-H youth development into everyday solutions that help keep North Carolina growing. Extension operates 101 local centers that serve every county and the Eastern Band of Cherokee. Discover more at https://extension.ncsu.edu.
This post was originally published in College of Agriculture and Life Sciences News.
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