Oaks Scholars Win Big

Congrats to the Oaks scholars program winners!
The Oaks Scholars Leadership program won the Chancellor’s Creating Community Award for Outstanding Student Organization! Libby Indermauer (Photo 1), one of our Oaks scholars, was the Outstanding Student. Coleman Simpson (Photo 2), Senior Scholar and Peer Mentor for the Oaks, was the honorable mention for Outstanding Student.
Participation in the Oaks Leadership Scholars Program was a significant contributor to the success of the departments students’ success. The program’s success can be attributed to student feedback and most importantly program evaluation. This is an AMAZING program and much deserved accolades. If you can, come stop by Ricks Hall to check out the plaques and certificates earned.
Congratulations to Drs. Bruce, McKee, Morgan, and Warner for their leadership and again, congratulations to Coleman and Libby for their outstanding work.
For more information about the Oaks Scholars Leadership Program, visit: https://oaksscholars.ncsu.edu/

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