AHS Excels at NACTA Conference

Faculty members and graduate students of the Department of Agricultural and Human Sciences recently attended the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA) Annual Conference in Las Cruces, New Mexico. NACTA is a professional society that focuses on the scholarship of teaching and learning agriculture and related disciplines at the postsecondary level. Members of NACTA are from two-year and four-year colleges, public and private. Department members, Joy Morgan, Madison Adams-Roberts, and Rachelle Andreatta, were able to present their research papers and posters at the conference.
While at the conference, graduate students Madison Adams-Roberts, Rachelle Andreatta, and Andrew Waaswa were recognized with the NACTA Graduate Student Teaching Award. The purpose of the award is to recognize and reward graduate students who excel as teachers in the agricultural disciplines. Joy Morgan, an assistant professor within the department, nominated all three students. She stated “We are so fortunate to have amazing graduate teaching assistants that constantly go above and beyond to assist in meeting the needs of our students. Their impact has extended beyond the classroom and we know that our students benefitted from their contributions. This prestigious award recognizes their efforts and innovative teaching practices. Our AHS graduate teaching assistants “think and do” at an extraordinary level.” Congratulations to everyone who presented at the conference and to Andreatta for her award.

Research Paper Presentations:
- Progressive Dinner: A New Strategy for Undergraduate Student Career Networking – Joy Morgan
Poster Presentations:
- Examining the Professional Development Growth of North Carolina State University Livestock Science Camp Counselors – Madison Adams-Roberts
- Rurally Engaged Agricultural Leaders: Supporting the Path for Rural Students at an Urban Land Grant University – Rachelle Andreatta
- Promoting Leadership and Confidence Among Female Agriculturalists – Joy Morgan
- From Seed to Grocery Store: The Use of Immersive Learning Experiences – Joy Morgan
- Categories: