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Sep 14, 2021

New Campus Master Plan Needs Your Input

NC State planners are building a framework to meet future needs and align campus development with the university’s new strategic plan. Find out how you can contribute to the process. 

Sep 10, 2021

Eight 2021-22 Faculty Award Nominations Now Open

Nominations are now open for eight awards for NC State faculty members. This year’s nomination submission deadlines have been scheduled to align with the traditional fall and spring semester calendars. 

Sep 9, 2021

AHS Welcomes, Awards, Recognitions and Farewells

We're welcoming new staff and faculty members and recognizing and congratulating all who received awards and nominations for the work they contributed to the university, college and department. 

Sep 8, 2021

As Part of the Pack, You’re Never Alone

For Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, NC State Counseling and Prevention Services is identifying some of the risk factors for suicide and pointing community members to resources that can help.  

butterfly on a flower.

Aug 30, 2021

NC State Student Teacher of the Year Discusses Her Journey and Inspiration

An AEE student teacher with a passion for agriculture and education shares her plan on how to turn it into a lifelong career. 

Aug 27, 2021

You Decide: Is Round Two of the COVID Recession on the Way?

Is there worry of a potential second recession coming? 

Student with graduate advisor at graduation. Gray and Andrew

Aug 25, 2021

YFCS August Blog: How to Determine If Pursuing a Master’s Degree in YFCS is Right For You

The Youth, Family, and Community Sciences graduate program publishes a monthly blog written by students, alumni and faculty sharing important topics and helpful resources related to the field of family science. In the… 


Aug 21, 2021

Student Enriches Family Life Through Research

Parenting is not as easy as it seems and multiple factors can inhibit the normalcy and strong relationships within a household.  

Aug 20, 2021

Face-to-Face Teaching During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Some Practical Advice for Fall Classes

NC State is back to face-to-face. Professor Marsha Gordon shares what she learned during the first week of classes. 

Aug 16, 2021

Tips for Success in Your Online Courses

Whether you’re back for another semester or just starting your journey with NC State, we’re excited to welcome you to the Wolfpack! Check out these tips on how to have a successful fall semester in your online courses.