Clubs and Programs

Life as a plant and microbial biology student is not just about hitting the books. Student organizations and activities can help you develop social, professional and leadership skills. They are also a great way to meet new friends!
Botany Club
The Botany Club is an academic club that promotes and encourages scholarly interactions among students interested in the fundamental study of plants. The club is open to all NC State students; most members either major or minor in plant biology or another life science discipline.
The club holds biweekly meetings during the fall and spring semesters. Members connect and learn about plants through hands-on activities and guest speakers. Each semester, club members take off-campus trips to botanical sites and participate in service projects.
For more information on the Botany Club, email Chad Jordan
Plant Biology Graduate Student Association
The Plant Biology Graduate Student Association (PBGSA) is the official group for graduate students in plant biology at NC State University.
Microbiology Graduate Student Association
The Microbiology Graduate Student Association (MBGSA) is comprised of microbiology graduate students from all our microbiology graduate degree programs at NC State University. Students in other degree programs with an interest in microbiology are also invited to join the MBGSA. For more information on the MBGSA, email Molly Vanhoy
Study Abroad
For more information studying abroad programs, visit the CALS International Programs website.
Studying Tropical Plant Pathology in Costa Rica