Voters Support 2022 Nickels for Know-How Check-Off
In a recent statewide referendum, users of fertilizer and feed voted favorably to continue a self-assessment supporting agricultural research, extension and teaching programs in NC State University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
On Nov. 17, 2022, the Nickels for Know-How referendum passed with nearly 96% of the vote. Since 1951, the Nickels For Know-How check-off has been voted on every six years and has passed in previous referenda with an average 90% favorable vote.
The North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services collects the check-off funds – about $1.4 million annually – from the manufacturers of feed and fertilizer. Manufacturers build the cost – three nickels per ton – into the price of their products.
Nickels for Know-How supports teaching, research and extension projects and programs at NC State University. Investments include internships and annual scholarships for CALS students; workshops for high school vocational agriculture teachers; strategies to reduce the seasonality of milk production on southeastern dairy farms; and studies to help tomato growers address the most important soil-borne disease problems. Many of the significant advancements in North Carolina agriculture in the last 65 years have been made possible by the Nickels for Know-How funding.
Interim Dean John Dole said Nickels for Know-How funding has greatly benefitted agriculture and the college – from providing seed money for launching great ideas to supporting new research and Extension work that addresses issues our state’s stakeholders face. Nickels for Know-How has also supported students through programs that help train the next generation of leaders for careers in food, agriculture and the life sciences.
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