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Department of Applied Ecology

image of crumbled chocolate

Apr 19, 2017

The Challenges of Chocolate

The NCSU Libraries will debut a new exhibit based on a chapter devoted entirely to the fragile history of cacao, cocoa and chocolate in Rob Dunn’s new book, Never Out of Season. 

photo of student and plant

Feb 9, 2017

Eye on the (Butterfly) Future

Ph.D. student Elsita Kiekebusch is studying how climate change affects a butterfly population, in hopes of aiding conservation. 

Nick Haddad in field with students

Feb 6, 2017

Haddad Named Fellow of Ecological Society of America

Dr. Nick Haddad, wildlife corridor expert and professor of applied ecology, has received a prestigious Ecological Society of America fellowship. 

photo of pumpkins

Feb 6, 2017

‘Great Pumpkin Project’ Recruits Citizen Scientists to Document Agricultural Biodiversity

A team of researchers is recruiting citizen scientists to participate in a study of which microbes and insects visit the same crop plants around the world. 

Scanning electron micrograph

Nov 3, 2016

Study Highlights Diversity of Arthropods Found in Homes

Researchers from North Carolina State University and the University of Colorado Boulder used DNA testing and citizen science to create an “atlas” that shows the range and diversity of arthropods found in homes across the continental United States. 

Fish-tagging research could inform fisheries management strategies.

Jul 22, 2016

NC State Researches Catch-and-Release

As fishermen often catch and then release undesirable fish back into the ocean, NC State University Professor Dr. Jeffrey Buckel, student Brendan Runde and associate Paul Rudershausen explore how well fish survive the catch-and-release process. 

Morgan Malone in front of a field

May 18, 2016

AgPack Strong: Farm Life, Big City

Recent graduate Morgan Malone found an agriculture career path inside a bustling state capital. 

Aug 25, 2015

Built for use

New and renovated flora and fauna research facilities will bolster college programs that support the state’s economy. 

Mar 10, 2015

NC State releases first Agromedicine Dictionary

Dr. Ernest Hodgson, professor emeritus from NC State University, and colleagues have released the first Dictionary of Agromedicine, available online. The dictionary provides agromedicine practitioners with a common language for their field and defines agromedicine as a discipline of its own. 

Nov 12, 2013

Study to focus on redhorse, Pee Dee River

North Carolina State University scientists will lead an effort to better understand the impact that changes in habitat and water quality are having on fish, mussels and crayfish in the Pee Dee River in North and South Carolina.