Outstanding December Graduate: Olivia Chadwick

Olivia Chadwick is serious about her studies. The applied nutrition science major plans to pursue a career in her field or continue her education toward a master’s degree. But she also enjoys exploring her creative side through writing and photography – and embraces any opportunity to share her message of healthful eating with others.
Why did you choose CALS?
I chose CALS because nutrition has always had my heart, and I knew I would succeed in a nurturing and supportive environment that CALS offers.
What’s your career goal?
To make a difference in the nutrition, health, and overall wellness of the local community
What do you plan to do after you graduate?
Right now, I am working on beginning my career after I graduate. I am finishing up my final semester courses, and am studying hard for my final exams. I want to take a short break from school to travel across the country and write/photograph my experiences. Eventually, I want to receive a master’s degree and possibly become a registered dietitian. I have always had a passion for helping others, and health is my No. 1 interest. I am not entirely sure what I want to do yet, but I am optimistic that it will all work out.
What activities do you enjoy outside the classroom?
Outside of the classroom, I am constantly staying busy! I work for NC State Dining as a dining diplomat and University Recreation as a wellness assistant. I love both of these jobs, and they have allowed me to grow so much in my outreach, creativity, leadership and communication skills. I am president of Safe Eats, which is a food allergy club on campus that helps serve NC State students with food allergies. I am a member of the Club Tennis team and just finished running my first half marathon. Sports have always been a hobby of mine, and it’s a great and healthy way for me to de-stress.
I also have my own food blog on Instagram (@nutritious_neverland) where I post food photographs and promote gluten-free foods. Lastly, I write food and recipe articles for Spoon University; since I love writing and taking photos of food, it has been a blast.
What have you learned that you’ll take with you when you graduate?
I have learned so much at NC State, but the No. 1 takeaway from my experience here is getting out of my comfort zone. I was put into many situations that required skills I hadn’t fully developed, and I realized that the only way to succeed was to get uncomfortable. I joined new clubs, made new friends, gave presentations, interviewed for jobs, formed good relationships with my professors and tried to always lend a hand if I could help. These experiences have given me the confidence and courage to grow academically, professionally and personally.
What’s the best thing about CALS, in five words or less?
A chance to succeed.