Outstanding December Graduate: Amber Page Emerson

As she approaches graduation from the Youth, Family and Consumer Sciences program, Amber Emerson hopes to start a career working with young children and their families.
Read on to learn more about Amber and her passion for helping others.
Why did you choose YFCS?
I chose the YFCS program because I loved the mission behind the program. I loved that the program gave me more of a whole picture of improving the lives of youth and their families. After researching the program, I loved the aspect of the program being fully online so I could continue working full-time.
What’s your career goal?
The infamous question! It is such a tough question, especially after working my way though the YFCS program and realizing there are even more ways to be involved with youth and their families. I really enjoy working with children birth-5 years old. I would truly love to make a difference in the quality and consistency of early childhood programs not only in North Carolina but throughout the U.S.
Tell us about your experience with the Natural Learning Initiative.
I was thrilled to be a part of the Natural Learning Initiative and working under the Preventing Obesity by Design (POD) project. My role in the project was to focus on creating the parent picnics. I will plan and implement the picnics and talk with parents about getting them to the picnics. At the parent picnics I was there to discuss how they feel about everything going on at the picnics and how they are going to implement the natural learning environment and healthier habits at home.
Another exciting piece to my work with the POD Wake project is that they have offered to sponsor me to take the Early Childhood Outdoor Learning Environment Certificate Program. I have also been asked by Dr. Cosco to create and implement an outdoor session at their 15th Annual Design Institute in October. I partnered with Taylor McDonald and created an outdoor session that is STEM/STEAM based for early childhood educators to learn to implement those types of activities in their daily work.
What have you learned here that you’ll take with you when you graduate?
There are so many pieces of knowledge that I will be taking with me when I graduate. I have learned so much about the diversity and complexity of families. This is information that I will keep with me forever, personally and professionally.
What advice do you have for other students wanting to follow in your path?
All of the YFCS staff members I have worked with over the past two years have been an absolute joy to work with. They are an amazing resource and offer so many great insights. I would advise other students to use the staff members, as they are truly here to help you grow as a person and a professional.