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Author: Kevin Moye

A young man wearing a red polo shirt outside

Nov 9, 2020

CALS Alumnus Shifts Career to Food Innovation

Joseph Hildebrand has been able to forge successful careers in both the pharmaceutical and food science industries. 

Tiayonna Liska standing in her home garden holding a basket

Oct 12, 2020

‘The Best Decision’

Experiences at NC State lead CALS alumna Tiayonna Liska on an unlikely path to educational entrepreneurship. 

A young Black male student in a classroom

Jul 17, 2020

Deconstructing Early Childhood Racism and Inequity

Youth, Family, and Community Sciences (YFCS) is one of the less well-known degree programs at NC State, but the research and outreach it provides is invaluable. Ebonyse Mead, both a former student and lecturer of the program, has had an impactful tenure in advocating for disadvantaged children.  

A woman and man conversing at a conference

Jun 30, 2020

Becky Boston: A Distinguished 30-Year CALS Career

“Once I got to NC State, I was extremely happy in the department. ...I had the resources I needed to pursue my research. I could attract really good graduate students. I liked the courses I taught and I found that it was a really great fit for me,” Boston said. “From the time I arrived here, there's always been a very cooperative and collegial research community of people being willing to help and people doing excellent science.” 

A woman surrounded by vegetables

Jun 9, 2020

Another Year, Another Success for NC AgVentures Program

NC State University's NC AgVentures Grant Program is celebrating another successful year in the books. The program underwent a massive expansion this past year largely due to an increase in funding. With funding nearly doubling, NC AgVentures has been able to expand the number of counties, 18 to 46,  that are now eligible to receive grants.  

A man and woman wearing an NC State t-shirt work on cattle research.

Apr 28, 2020

2019 Keller Award Winner, Becky Poole, Continues Her Passion for Cattle Research

Poole began her academic career at CALS pursuing a degree in animal science. Like many animal science majors, Poole went into the field with an interest in veterinary medicine, but soon realized just how many opportunities she had to choose from in the expansive field. 

cloth masks

Apr 14, 2020

Nash County 4-H Sews, Provides PPE to Help Fight COVID-19

The opportunity for 4-H’ers to aid in the fight against the pandemic arose when an employee of a local JOANN store approached Jane Tyson, the volunteer leader of Nash County’s Sew What? 4-H Club. Tyson knew that her advanced sewing group would be up to the task. 

Young woman in a green house holding a plant

Mar 4, 2020

Grad Student Wants to Improve Plant Productivity, Food Access

Danielle Cooney, a graduate student in the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, studies ways to improve soybean production by understanding how the crop interacts with fungi in the soil. 

Closeup photo of a bunch of tulips about to open

Feb 14, 2020

Long-Lasting Freshness

For longer-lasting flowers and fruits, thank NC State’s Sylvia Blankenship and Edward Sisler, 2020 inductees in the National Inventors Hall of Fame. 

Group of people at a table with sticky notes

Feb 14, 2020

Partner Profile: NC Tobacco Trust Fund Commission

For nearly 20 years, the NC Tobacco Trust Fund Commission has been a staple in advancing agriculture in North Carolina—and an important partner of NC State University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.