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Author: Alice Manning Touchette

rabbit stew on a counter

Nov 15, 2022

Heritage Foods Make a Comeback

As chefs and foodies raise awareness of heritage foods, CALS research and extension work to make them more profitable for farmers and more readily available to consumers. 

Crowds at the N.C. State Fair

Oct 19, 2022

The North Carolina State Fair: Fall’s Favorite Tradition

The North Carolina State Fair celebrates a long history of showcasing and promoting the state’s agriculture, agribusiness, arts, crafts and culture. Discover the fair’s rich history and what’s new this year. 

An aerial shot of the North Carolina State Fair at night

Oct 12, 2022

The North Carolina State Fair, So Happy Together

Once again, it's time for the North Carolina State Fair. On this episode of Farms, Food and You, we’ll hear from North Carolina Agriculture Commissioner and NC State University alumnus Steve Troxler to talk all things State Fair. 

NC State students on campus

Sep 6, 2022

A Little Help Goes a Long Way

The CALS Alumni and Friends Society Scholarship Endowment is awarded to CALS students who show financial need, as well as leadership potential. Meet this year's recipients. 

Flooded agricultural fields after Hurricane Matthew

Sep 2, 2022

Be Prepared for Hurricane Season

September is National Disaster Preparedness Month, and here in North Carolina, that includes bracing for peak hurricane season. This episode of Farms, Food and You discusses how NC State Extension helps counties prepare and recover from these destructive storms. 

a spotted lanternfly on a plant

Aug 17, 2022

Spotting the Spotted Lanternfly

As we head into harvest season for grapes, North Carolina vineyards are on the lookout for a particularly unwanted guest—the spotted lanternfly. Learn how to spot and report this pest in this episode of Farms, Food and You. 

Grapes on a conveyor

Jul 20, 2022

Muscadine So Fine

Muscadine grapes are one of the new “it” superfoods. The Farms, Food and You podcast talks with Mark Hoffmann, a small fruits specialist with NC State Extension, about the muscadine industry in North Carolina. 

little seedling sprouting on a metal tray

Jun 23, 2022

Farms, Food and You: Plants in Space

Farms, Food and You talks with professor Marcela Rojas-Pierce to learn about an out-of-this-world experiment involving plant biology and what it means for the future of agriculture practices at home and beyond our atmosphere. 

Carol McNeel portrait in garden

Jun 13, 2022

When Nature Calls, A Necessary Gift Comes Through

The Necessary, a quaint blue cottage containing the restroom facilities at the JC Raulston Arboretum, will receive a much-needed update thanks to the generosity of Carol McNeel. 

Tom Wentworth

May 23, 2022

The Gift of Perspective

With Emeritus Professor Tom Wentworth's support, the Research Pack Abroad program will continue to provide undergraduate students with international research experience.