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Author: Alice Manning Touchette

a sesame plant in a field

Mar 20, 2023

Open Sesame Seeds

Planting a new crop like sesame can be risky for farmers. In this episode of Farms, Food and You, Extension Specialist David Suchoff highlights efforts to cover the start-up costs for North Carolina farmers. 

trees line Nash Square in downtown Raleigh

Mar 15, 2023

The Gift of Green Space

The legacy of Henry Steinmetz, an immigrant who helped design Nash Square in downtown Raleigh, lives on through an endowment to support the next generation of horticulturists. 

Josh Allen smiling in a warehouse

Mar 8, 2023

The Keys to Success: Support, Experience and Opportunity

Opportunity comes in many forms. Coastal AgroBusiness believes in developing students through scholarships and internships. Just ask their director of operations, Josh Allen, a former intern and Agricultural Institute graduate. 

a couple working in a field

Feb 15, 2023

Finding Your Niche

On this episode of Farms, Food and You, Doris and Donald Kidd — some of the few producers of elephant garlic in the state — share what it means to be a niche farmer and how the Black Farmers Market helped them expand their scope. 

Two women standing next to a banner at a career fair

Jan 19, 2023

Product and People Development Has Sweet Reward

Mandy Taylor has had a sweet career. The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences alumna is the current research and development early talent manager for Mars Wrigley. 

a community garden growing green plants

Jan 17, 2023

Building a Community Garden

In this episode of the Farms, Food and You podcast, Cheralyn Berry, Extension specialist and director of the Briggs Avenue Community Garden in East Durham, shares her perspective on the vital role of community gardens. 

Headshot of Erica Hanchey

Dec 19, 2022

Play with Your Food and Invest in People

“Plays well with food” isn’t officially on Erica B. Hanchey’s resume, but it should be. A food scientist with a penchant for mentoring and giving back, Hanchey earned her BS in Food Science from NC State in 2001 and has been playing with food ever since. The other tenet she learned at NC State: it’s worth it to invest in people and education. 

pink poinsettias in a greenhouse

Dec 14, 2022

‘Tis the Season for Poinsettias

This time of year, tabletops, lobbies and front doors are adorned with the rich red velvety leaves of the unofficial Christmas flower: the poinsettia. This episode of Farms, Food and You discusses the poinsettia's surprising history and its colorful future. 

two white broad-breasted turkeys on grass

Nov 29, 2022

Talk Turkey with Chocolate, the 2022 National Turkey

Chocolate, the National Thanksgiving Turkey, reminisces about the whirlwind week he and his brother, Chip, had before coming home to NC State. 

A dog and its trainers looking for truffles outside

Nov 16, 2022

This Truffle’s No Trifle

Man's best friend helps unearth a potentially lucrative crop in western North Carolina. NC State Extension's Katie Learn talks about these rare delicacies and what Extension is doing to help truffle growers.